Sunday, 29 December 2024


 To those assholes who deny that a genocide is happening right in front of our eyes...fuck off. There is nothing to argue about. You're a fucking asshole and hateful motherfucker , and your arguments are a waste of fucking time. Side with the murderers and oppressors if you want to. That's your shitty choice to make.

In the meantime, The Resistance continues to amaze me with their persistence .
Long Live Gaza.

The Rockets of Beit Hanoun – Resistance Roundup – Day 450

Al-Quds fighters launching a rocket barrage on military sites and settlements in Gaza's envelope from northern Gaza. (Photo: video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Palestinian rockets continued to launch from Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, signaling a new phase in the ongoing resistance. Meanwhile, Israel’s so-called “General’s Plan” appears to be faltering.

The self-congratulatory tone of Israeli discourse regarding its war on Gaza was abruptly interrupted as missiles from the Strip once again targeted Israeli areas, reaching as far as the Jerusalem region.

The latest salvo of five rockets struck the so-called “Gaza Envelope” within Israel, once again originating from Beit Hanoun, one of the first Palestinian towns seized during Israel’s invasion of Gaza last year.

Israeli Channel 12 reported on the rockets, noting that one of the missiles caused damage when it landed in a public area in the Gaza Strip, though it did not specify the extent or nature of the destruction.

Israeli authorities confirmed that sirens were triggered in Sderot, Nir Am, and other towns surrounding Gaza. Ambulance services were dispatched to the affected areas to check for casualties, though no injuries were reported at the time of publication.

Israeli police announced that they were dealing with three separate sites in Sderot where rocket fragments had landed.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, Palestinian resistance continued unabated. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, reported targeting an Israeli Merkava tank with a high-explosive device and a military rescue force with a Yassin 105 shell east of Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip.

The al-Quds Brigades, the military arm of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, stated that it had, in conjunction with Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, blown up a house in which several Israeli soldiers had taken refuge, east of the Jabaliya refugee camp.

Israeli media outlets confirmed the deaths of two Israeli soldiers in Gaza clashes, while Israeli sources reported that helicopters evacuated the wounded, with soldiers being transported to Beilinson and Tel Hashomer hospitals.

Yesterday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the storming of an Israeli military post in Jabaliya, engaging in fierce combat with Israeli soldiers inside, causing both casualties and fatalities.

On October 5, the Israeli army launched another invasion into northern Gaza, aiming to seize the area and establish a buffer zone, effectively displacing its population. In the process, Israeli forces have killed and wounded thousands, attacked and burned hospitals, and carried out a campaign of ethnic cleansing, displacing tens of thousands of Palestinians.

Resistance in northern Gaza has only intensified since then, with Palestinian fighters killing and wounding a significant number of Israeli soldiers, while destroying dozens of tanks and other military vehicles.

Below are the latest statements by the two main Resistance forces in Gaza, and the Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah. 

The statements were communicated via their Telegram channels and are published here in their original form. 

Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas)

“Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a Zionist Merkava tank with a highly explosive device. Immediately after the rescue force arrived, it was targeted with a Yassin 105 shell east of Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip.”

Al-Quds Brigades (Islamic Jihad)

“After our Mujahideen returned from the battle lines north of the Gaza Strip… they reported that they had blown up a house where a number of Zionist enemy soldiers were holed up in the Al-Sikka area east of Jabaliya camp, in cooperation with the Al-Aqsa Brigades, Al-Amoudi Brigade.

“We destroyed a Zionist military vehicle of the type (Merkava) by detonating a (Thaqib) explosive device prepared in advance during its incursion into Al-Sikka Street, west of Beit Hanoun.”

(The Palestine Chronicle

Saturday, 28 December 2024


 It's unbelievable that this can still happen, but it needs to keep happening.
Long Live Palestine !


LIVE BLOG: 15 Months into the War, Gaza Rockets Reach Jerusalem – Day 449

Israeli forces set the Kamal Adwan Hospital on fire. (Photo: via social media)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The Israeli occupation forces detained Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, during their raid on the facility on Friday. 

The Gaza Civil Defense announced on Saturday that the director of the agency’s northern governorate was also abducted by Israeli occupation forces.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 45,484 Palestinians have been killed, and 108,090 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7, 2023.

Click here for previous blogs. 

Sat, Dec 28, 4:54 PM (Palestine Time)

Explosions in Jerusalem following Rockets from Gaza

AL-JAZEERA: Explosions were reported in the skies of Jerusalem, while the Israeli army radio said that air raid sirens sounded in the Jerusalem area as a result of rockets being fired from the Gaza Strip.

Thursday, 26 December 2024



Declaration on the 131st anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and the 2nd anniversary of the International Communist League Put the great red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism at the helm of the great waves of struggle of the masses! On the occasion of the 131st anniversary of the birth of the great Chairman Mao Tsetung and the 2nd anniversary of the foundation of the International Communist League (ICL), we send our flaming proletarian class salutes to the international proletariat and the peoples and nations of the world. The workers and peoples of the world are combating and resisting the imperialist plunder and wars of aggression and their bloody drive to redistribute the world. The Palestinian people fuel with their valuable blood the heroic national liberation war in Palestine against the imperialist and Zionist aggressors, and proved to be a "spark that can start a prairie fire", by giving an impulse for the worldwide anti-imperialist movement. We express our firm commitment to struggle for the unification of the International Communist Movement, serving the development of the revolutionary struggle, implacably combating revisionism as bases for unity, emphasizing especially those MarxistLeninist-Maoist Parties that are leading the struggle for the New Power in the People's War and thus represent shining examples for all the proletarians and communists of the world. The political events in the world since the foundation of the International Communist League (ICL) have not only emphasized the necessity of international unification, but have also confirmed the common tactical and strategic determinations and political foundations in their truthfulness and in many cases also in their vivid foresight. “Since the beginning of this decade, the crisis of imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism sharpens even more in the whole world. Whenever its decomposition deepens, all the contradictions sharpen; which generates more revolutionary situation in uneven development in the whole world. The situation is expressed by the great activity of the masses, its explosiveness makes all reactionaries and their revisionist lackeys tremble. It is expressed everywhere at great explosions. The objective situation meets at fast pace with the subjective factor - principally the process of the Communist Parties, as MarxistLeninist-Maoist Parties of a new type to initiate new People’s Wars. Thus a new moment opens, a period of revolutions as part of this New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution. This situation determines the tasks, the strategy and the tactics of the Communist Parties in the whole world.” (Joint Declaration of Fundamentals and Principles, December 2022) Our strategy and tactics, as well as the approach of all the problems of the world situation has to depart from this understanding of the world situation. In brief, to analyze how the classes from above and the ones from below confront each other, the two struggling poles that determine the existence of the developing revolutionary situation, thus serving to more broadly prove the reality of the objective conditions for revolution, the development of its components and its perspectives. The efforts of imperialism to solve its own economic crisis by intensifying the plunder and oppression of the semi-colonies and colonies, as well as the working class and the peoples – concentration of land property based on the expulsion of the peasants, expropriation of small peasant production, massive inflation and unemployment, deindustrialization of entire regions, relocation of factories, interest rates hikes, forced migration, sharpening collusion and struggle among the imperialist, spurring the revolution and massively exacerbating the political crisis in a whole series of countries. Also larger imperialist countries such as Germany, France and even the USA itself, the main imperialist on a global level, are increasingly confronted with a situation in which they can no longer continue to rule as before. The new president of the USA, Donald Trump, is a clear expression of the necessity of US-Imperialism to react to its crisis and the tendency towards its decline, which is currently manifesting itself above all in the so-called "Western imperialists", and expresses the attempt of US monopoly capital to adjust politically to the change in the global balance of power, the eruptions taking place and the national sharpening of class contradiction. USimperialism must make readjustments in order to maintain its strategic goals of encircling the Russian imperialist opponent and containing social-imperialist China, as the current attempts of interventions and war preparations are stones with fall on their own feet, and face forceful resistance and also counter-offensives. The result of the imperialist policy, in collusion and struggle with the different imperialist, in the last two years of war in Ukraine is a further national oppression and subjugation and a great effort for the further division of the country, what once more proved Zelensky in front of the eyes of the masses to be a country-selling traitor and lackey of imperialism. In light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the crisis of the each time more reactionary liberal democracy is evident, of all its system of parties and institutions, they are each time more divided, in trouble to establish minimally stable governments, opening the path for fascism. The classes from above cannot continue ruling as before. At the same time, the proletarians, the workers, peasants and oppressed middle classes are showing in large, protracted strikes, demonstrations, uprisings and rebellions that they no longer want to continue as before. The uprising of national liberation struggles in the region of the so-called "Middle East", especially in Palestine, are putting the plans of the imperialists in a difficult position and are to be understood as part of a forceful scream of the oppressed peoples against the bloody interventions and wars of repartition of the imperialists. The upraise of new struggles and wars for national liberation and sovereignty confirms that the dominant contradiction in the present world is that between imperialists and oppressed peoples and nations, which also influences and dominates the developments of the interimperialist contradiction, because the oppressed nations are precisely the booty of war, thus proving perfectly that only the proletarian revolution can prevent the World War, or the World War brings forth the proletarian revolution. At the base of all that are the masses. The classes from below cannot even continue to live as before. The masses are stirring in waves, spontaneously, but each time more massively and combatively. There is a developing revolutionary situation in the whole world that extends itself in the development of the anti-imperialist struggle and popular protest. Communists understand that both the imperialists' contend for repartition, which develops amid struggle and collusion, and the development of the objective revolutionary situations follow the law of uneven development: “The law of uneven development in the period of imperialism means the spasmodic development of some countries relative to others, the rapid ousting from the world market of some countries by others, periodic redivisions of the already divided world through military conflicts and catastrophic wars, the increasing profundity and acuteness of the conflicts in the imperialist camp,...” (Stalin). Here, Stalin brilliantly demonstrates the bankruptcy of various bourgeois and petty-bourgeois theories of crisis, as we find them today, for example, in the so called "multiple crisis" or the "permanent crisis", which are themselves unmasked by reality each time. Undoubtedly, the world communist movement finds itself in a complex, but favorable moment of emergence of various contradictions, which are unleashed in uneven development as “momentary and forcible solutions of the existing contradictions” (Marx), in which it depends on whether the communists understand how to consolidate previous positive achievements and create new subjective conditions that meet the requirements of the moment. Chairman Mao gives important lessons to the communists on the relation between the objective and the subjective forces: “Although the subjective forces of the revolution in China are now weak, so also are all organizations (...) of the reactionary ruling classes, (...) In China the revolution will undoubtedly move towards a high tide more rapidly, for although the subjective forces of the revolution at present are weak, the forces of the counter-revolution are relatively weak too.” The fact that the subjective forces are relatively weak only teaches us that it is not possible to win quickly, rather part by part, and through leaps. The ones who resign to lament before the hardships are nourishing capitulationism and liquidationism, which is no other thing than revisionism. They are the true apologists of imperialism. Revisionism blurs class struggle, centers its focus on the enemy, in the action of imperialism and not of the masses. Chairman Mao taught us that everything depends on having a correct ideological and political line and to fully and consciously assume it, to be ready to pay the highest price. Furthermore, in periods of development of the revolutionary situation, the historical changes that demand years, or centuries, take place in days or weeks. Also Lenin emphasized: “In the history of revolutions there come to light contradictions that have ripened for decades and centuries. Life becomes unusually eventful. The masses, which have always stood in the shade, (…) These masses are making heroic efforts to rise to the occasion and cope with the gigantic tasks of world significance imposed upon them by history; and however great individual defeats may be, however shattering to us the rivers of blood and the thousands of victims, nothing will ever compare in importance with this direct training that the masses and the classes (…)” The development of national liberation struggles worldwide, which is currently being expressed in concentrated form in the in the great storm center of the so called Middle East, shows that the deepening of the general crisis of imperialism is also generating more revolutionary situations in uneven development in different countries. The heroic war of national liberation in Palestine, highlighting the Al-Aqsa Flood on the 7th of October, is an essential impulse for the upswing of struggles in the entire region (such as in Lebanon), but also a significant impulse for the worldwide development of the anti-imperialist movement. This milestone represents a rupture point in the world situation. Since then, the world situation is transforming at extraordinary speed. The increasing isolation of the genocidal Zionist regime in Israel delays and partially thwarts the plans of US imperialism, and also intensifies the opposition of the masses in the Arab states, bureaucratic-capitalist regimes at the service of imperialism, as well as putting the imperialists worldwide increasingly under pressure. The change of the regime in Syria put forward, lead and supported with intervention of their troops by the imperialists and their related regional lackeys, with the aim of a balcanization of the country, have to be strongly rejected as a further attack against the Syrian peoples and the sovereignty of the country. In the same time it is a warning example for the peoples who are currently struggling for liberation that the path of national independence and sovereignty can only be consistently successful if it relies on its own forces and with an anti-imperialist character of the struggle as part of the new democratic revolution to finish off the domination of imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudality. The proletarian leadership is shown to be the decisive in the national liberation struggle, and we would like to emphasize the urgent necessity of the united front led by the communists. Under this light of the new global situation, the increasing maturation of favorable conditions and also revolutionary situations, the worldwide significance of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties, and especially the People's Wars led by them must also be understood, as well as the importance of their support and propagandization, as we also emphasized in the Joint Declaration of Fundamentals and Principles: “We reaffirm that the true national self-determination can only be achieved through revolution of a new democracy or socialist revolution, according to each case, to which it is necessary to constitute or reconstitute Communist Parties of new type, MarxistLeninist-Maoist Parties capable of leading revolution to its end.” The People's Wars in India, Peru, Turkey and the Philippines not only withstand and develop in the midst of complex situations of encirclement and counter-revolutionary offensives. At the same time, they are the axis of the Proletarian World Revolution, from which not only the strategic considerations of the Proletarian World Revolution can be derived, but which also represent examples of the superiority and the truth content of the proletarian world outlook. The important developments of the revolutionary movement in Brazil, the most populous country in South America, must be seen as a significant new contribution. The mass protests and rebellions of the people, mainly the poor and landless peasants, are merging with the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party and are increasingly taking on the form of agrarian revolution as part of the new democratic revolution. This development not only strengthens our ardent proletarian optimism, but also confirms in an outstanding way the basic laws of Marxism that where revolutionary theory unites with the masses, it becomes a material force, and we therefore want to point out the importance of the consolidation and development of subjective forces as proletarian organizations and Parties, especially in the present situation of the erratic development of the world situation: “It was because it is not every revolutionary situation that gives rise to a revolution; revolution arises only out of a situation in which the above-mentioned objective changes are accompanied by a subjective change, namely, the ability of the revolutionary class to take revolutionary mass action (...)” (Lenin) In the midst of a world situation characterized by drastic developments and upheavals, we want to celebrate the 131st birthday of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and commemorate it through the vigorous further development of the campaign for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the new, third and higher stage of proletarian ideology. We must understand the campaign for Maoism as part of the struggle for the reunification of the world communist movement, which at the present moment is particularly expressed in three fundamental points of unity: “1) Maoism 2) The struggle against revisionism, and 3) The Proletarian World Revolution” The Declaration of Political Principles defined the foundation of the ICL as a “step to reunite us and to overcome the dispersion in the International Communist Movement (...), and a new stage of the organized struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist International under the command and guide of Maoism was opened”. Two years ago, the foundation of a new international organization of the proletariat was decided at the Unified International Maoist Conference. This event marked a turning point in the struggle for the reunification of communists at world level, allowed a systematic coordination of the 15 member Parties and organizations, based on the proletarian principle of democratic centralism and thus also confirmed the struggle against the ideological, political and organizational fragmentation of the world communist movement as an essential criterion for the development of the world proletarian revolution, as the titans and classics of the proletariat showed and taught us in great lessons. The last two years have seen important first steps towards the fulfillment of this task, especially in terms of increasing consolidation, which at the same time must be used as a basis to allow further development. Every new development is based on the consolidation of the previous one, and new tasks require the development of appropriate subjective conditions for mastering them. The International Communist League is an instrument for the reunification and reconstitution of the Communist International to combat imperialism, revisionism and all reaction. It is therefore necessary to assume the tasks and possibilities on the current situation and develop by applying two line struggle which will, consciously and frankly applied, forge and develop our forces and their capabilities in the midst of class struggle and two line struggle. We therefore also warmly welcome and salute all contributions, coordination and common activities of the Communist Parties and organizations in and outside of the ICL, proving the increasing vitality and activity of the communists on an international level, and serving to fulfill our role as the communists in the current moment. Our immediate task is to develop the growing popular protest, to mobilize, politicize, and organize the broad and deep masses in the struggle against imperialism and all reaction, inseparably combating revisionism and all opportunism. To forge the class struggle of true Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties to carry out revolution. Chairman Mao himself attached great  importance to the struggle against revisionism - mainly modern revisionism - and thus developed the International Communist Movement. Also today, after a whole period of relative revisionist domination in many countries, we assess it as an essential task and duty of the communists, especially of the international communist organization, the ICL, to lead and advance the struggle against revisionism. In our founding declaration we emphasized: “Chairman Mao told us: the history of the International Communist Movement shows us that proletarian unity is consolidated and developed in the struggle against opportunism, revisionism and divisionism.” The communists must place themselves in the first rows of the battles and launch themselves into the combats without fear. The proletariat has a shining future. Imperialism is darkness, hunger, misery, genocide, exploitation and oppression. Our duty as Communist Parties is to defeat it, sweep the reaction away from the face of earth with revolutionary violence. CELEBRATE THE 131st ANNIVERSARY OF CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG'S BIRTH BY STRENGTHENING THE STRUGGLE FOR MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM! LONG LIVE THE STRUGGLE FOR THE REUNIFICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST MOVEMENT - LONG LIVE THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST LEAGUE! LONG LIVE THE HEROIC PALESTINIAN NATIONAL LIBERATION STRUGGLE AND THE STRUGGLE FOR NATIONAL LIBERATION OF THE OPPRESSED NATIONS! LONG LIVE THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST MOVEMENT AND THE PEOPLE'S WARS WAGED BY MARXIST-LENINIST-MAOIST PARTIES! DOWN WITH REVISIONISM! LONG LIVE THE PROLETARIAN WORLD REVOLUTION! International Communist League December 2024


 It's always important to highlight the voices you wouldn't expect to defend the underdogs and the oppressed, especially when the might of the world is against them . Listen to Norman Briski.

‘Gaza Will Never Be Defeated!’: Interview with Argentinian-Jewish Director Norman Briski

Argentinian filmmaker Norman Briski. (Design: Palestine Chronicle)

By Enrico Di Gregorio

The Palestine Chronicle and Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia interviewed renowned Argentine-Jewish filmmaker Norman Briski about the essence of solidarity with the Palestinian people. ‘A true Jew will defend the Palestinian people’, he said.

On October 24, the renowned Argentine-Jewish filmmaker Norman Briski stunned the audience at the Martín Fierro Film Prize with a powerful speech about Palestine. 

“Gaza, Gaza, Gaza. Gaza will never be defeated!” he declared to the packed auditorium and the cameras recording the event.  

“I don’t care if they applaud me a lot or a little, but I feel here in my blood, in my ancestors, my solidarity with a people who are being murdered,” continued the 86-year-old director, whose illustrious career in cinema has spanned decades.  

Briski’s speech sparked a wave of persecution against him, though the support and solidarity he received far outweighed the backlash. Artists and activists quickly organized campaigns in his defense, standing firmly by the moral position of the filmmaker.  

In a joint interview with The Palestine Chronicle and Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia, Briski elaborated on the motivation behind his strong solidarity with the Palestinian people. He emphasized that those who fight for freedom today “must be Palestinians” and drew connections between the anti-imperialist struggles in Latin America and the current Palestinian resistance.  

‘A True Jew Will Defend the Palestinian People’

During your speech, you emphatically declared that Gaza will never be defeated. Why are you so sure of this?  

Because it is a cause of the righteous. And because of the solidarity shown by students across the world and by many individuals, including those from the pro-Palestinian Jewish community.  

The idea that what’s happening is genocide has already been widely accepted. Of course, a true Jew will defend the Palestinian people in their pursuit of peace and harmony—a coexistence between two peoples who have historically lived together and enriched each other’s cultures.  

You also praised other struggles around the world. How do you see the relationship between the Palestinian struggle and the Latin American fights against colonialism and imperialism?  

Today, we have to be Palestinians. Just as we must be Mapuche if we are Argentine, or Black if we face the inequalities endured by Black people in the United States. We must align ourselves with every emancipatory struggle against oppression.  

It is the duty of anyone committed to liberation—or why not call it revolution—to stand alongside those fighting for freedom from domination.  

In Argentina, we currently have a president who is openly pro-Israel. During your speech, you mentioned living in a “fictionalized” reality, with Javier Milei in the Casa Rosada. What did you mean by that, and how do you see Milei’s stance on the war in Palestine?  

This economic model being pursued in Argentina has failed everywhere else in the world. It reflects a stage where civil complicity supports a bourgeois or dependent project—one that carries another country’s flag.  

Right now, we’re essentially in a colonial state again. It’s not the first time, and without resistance, it won’t be the last. Imperialism has only one objective: expansion, as we see in Syria and across the Middle East.  

Having a government driven by fiction, one that uses genocidal policies as an economic solution, means we are living in barbarism. And yet, they deny us even the means to foster national cinema—cinema that once nurtured new projects and ideas for a popular, people-centered narrative.  

Role of the Intellectual

What role do intellectuals and artists play in resisting genocide in Palestine? Are they morally responsible for participating in movements for change?  

The historical role of intellectuals in popular struggles isn’t exactly inspiring, is it? There are exceptions, of course, but generally, intellectuals have been absorbed into the system—tied to university positions or institutions that discourage them from engaging clearly in these struggles.  

This doesn’t mean exceptions don’t exist. These exceptions highlight the true value of artists and their connection to the struggles of the people.  

Cinema has often been a platform for anti-imperialist narratives, with Palestinian cinema standing out as an example of militant art. How do you see the role of cinema today in exposing oppression?  

Cinema remains an industry, which makes it inherently dependent on capital. While there are national heroes—such as Pino Solanas—and films that address revolutionary topics, it’s difficult to escape the influence of multinational corporations.  

Even a film like 1985, which addresses historical events in a “civilized” manner, remains tied to this dependency.  

Palestinian filmmakers, however, embody love for their people and demonstrate to the world their commitment to their cause. They represent the purest example of cinema as a tool for resistance and solidarity.  

Finally, what message would you send to the Palestinian people?  

It is their courage, bravery, and commitment to justice that give me the message. Their strength inspires us to always seek equality.  

The only thing they need from the world is solidarity with their struggle.  

(The Palestine Chronicle)

– Enrico Di Gregorio is a Brazilian journalist. He currently writes for A Nova Democracia and contributed this article to The Palestine Chronicle