Friday 31 July 2020


Many "world leaders" will bray and moan, paying lip service to the environmental catastrophe confronting the planet while doing absolutely nothing to stop it .
Raymond Lotta breaks it down for us, writing about how since they started their useless "earth day" things have only gotten worse while providing people with a false notion that they are actually doing something. Read please ......

50 Years Since Earth Day 1: Reflections on the Catastrophe That Is Capitalism-Imperialism

by Raymond Lotta


This article addresses critical aspects of the climate emergency and broader environmental crisis. These are reflections on how the system of capitalism-imperialism is the underlying cause of this crisis—and why this system is the fundamental obstacle to humanity consciously confronting and collectively acting on the environmental emergency, with the urgency and on the scale required.

I. Indicators of Accelerating Crisis, Devastation, and Great Power Criminality

*2019 was the second hottest year on record. Since the 1960s, each decade has been warmer than the previous decade, by significant amounts. By 2016, when the Paris Agreement on Climate Change was signed by more than190 countries pledging to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, the planet had already passed a precipitous threshold of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: 400 parts per million.
NOTE: Half of all global carbon emissions since the industrial revolution (dating to 1751) were produced between 1988 and 2014—that is, since climate scientist James Hansen presented his seminal findings on global warming, and since the convening of UN summits on climate change. And in the almost four years since the signing of the Paris Agreement, not one major carbon-emitter is close to meeting stated goals. Meanwhile, the country responsible for the greatest amount of cumulative carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere—the United States—is headed by a fascist regime that denies the reality of global warming altogether, while ramping up fossil-fuel production.
In the following section, I draw from Bill McKibben’s article “A Very Hot Year”1 and step back to show how the underlying dynamics of capitalism are expressed.
*McKibben observes that the models used by scientists 20 and 30 years ago to predict warming have proven to be remarkably accurate—some 1 degree Celsius, as averaged across the globe, so far. BUT the impact/effect/severity of global warming was far underestimated. The planet has notably suffered the loss of more than half of sea ice in the Arctic, and the onset of the collapse of coral reefs. McKibben cites a November 2019 European study identifying nine major tipping points focused on Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, the boreal forests and permafrost of the north, and Amazon rainforests and corals of the tropical latitudes. The conclusion is that the risk of “abrupt and irreversible changes” was much higher than projected by the earlier research.
NOTE: No emergency alarm has gone off, no radical rethinking, no bold action at the highest levels of governance.
*The U.S. is the world’s biggest oil and natural gas producer (for the record, the “climate-conscious” Obama administration presided over the largest increase in oil production in U.S. history and under Obama the U.S. became the largest natural gas producer in the world). The U.S. is also expected to produce 80 percent of the new supply of oil and gas over the next five years.
NOTE: This projection cited by McKibben predates the COVID-19 pandemic and the sharp contraction of the world economy. But, tellingly, in the early stages of the pandemic, Russia and Saudi Arabia were dueling it out in a price war to secure and expand global oil market shares. How? By pumping more oil, which then threatened the global market position of the U.S. fossil-fuel industry. The Trump/Pence regime moved to bolster U.S. oil prices. But as the pandemic worsened and oil consumption fell sharply, oil prices crashed.
*To meet the Paris Climate Summit goal of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the world would have to cut emissions by 7.6 percent annually for the next decade. That would require an enormous slashing of fossil-fuel consumption. As McKibben observes, no individual country (and certainly not the global economy as a whole) has reduced carbon emissions at that rate in a single year.
NOTE: The reality is that an effective and coordinated commitment to sustain such a level of carbon reduction, continuously over an entire decade, collides with the short-term horizons of capital and the profitable fossil-fuel foundations of the world-imperialist economy... and smacks up against the boundaries of private/national-state decision-making in a world of competing capitals and national-imperialist states. Again, think about it: no major signatory to the Paris climate agreement is on track to meeting its goals. We live in a world in which non-renewables, including oil, coal, and natural gas, provide 80 percent of global energy.

II. A Contradiction Built into the Competitive-Private Relations of Capitalism as It Has Historically Evolved: Reliance on and Expansion of Fossil Fuels...
The Barriers to and Limitations of Green Technology in the Framework of This System

In his March 12, 2020 article, McKibben cites Financial Times calculations that in order to meet the 1.5 degree Celsius Paris target, and this is far from what is needed, the fossil-fuel industry would have to leave 84 percent of its reserves in the ground, effectively writing off their value. (Reserves refers to the estimated amount of crude oil controlled by private and state companies that can be brought to the surface under current technical and price conditions.)
Let’s examine why keeping 84 percent of fossil-fuel reserves in the ground is such an imponderable in the framework of capitalism-imperialism.
*The oil/natural gas energy companies/investors draw on finance to make huge fixed capital outlays (technical equipment, infrastructure, etc.): in order to explore for and develop their oil reserves... and ultimately to extract oil and natural gas at a profitable margin. There are “sunk investment costs” in these reserves. This refers to the social knowledge (engineering, etc.) that is privately deployed; seismic and oil-field development technology that is applied, transport infrastructure put in place—costs that cannot be recovered if the firm making those investments leaves the industry. At the end of the day, these investments are weapons in the capitalist battle for markets, expansion, and survival.
*There is this particularity in the oil and natural gas extraction sector: it takes years for individual fossil-fuel projects to become profitable... years for massive capital-intensive investment to be recouped by private owners.
That can only happen through continuous cycles of production. If those circuits of production-realization-new production do not continue—recoupment plus profit will not materialize. There is compulsion facing these individual units of capital to “make good” on these investments, which means developing and drilling oil from these reserves, producing and producing more—with all the adverse consequences for the well-being of the planet.
This capitalist calculus of profit-making and return on investment works against, effectively nullifies, a rational recommendation by climate scientists, and a most “sensible” demand by many climate activists: to “keep the oil in the ground.”
This profit-making calculus, and it flows from the expand-or-die compulsion of capital, is also part of the reason that the idea and prediction bought into by many progressive people—that once the price of clean-renewable technology came down, we’d surely be on a different (a positive) trajectory—has proven to be utterly untrue.
*A salient observation on green energy by David Wallace-Wells in his 2019 book, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming (a recommended read):
“[T]he much-heralded green-energy ‘revolution’ ... has not even bent the curve of carbon emissions downward. We are, in other words, billions of dollars and thousands of dramatic breakthroughs later, precisely where we started when hippies were affixing solar panels to their geodesic domes. That is because the market has not responded to these developments by seamlessly retiring dirty energy sources and replacing them with clean ones. It has responded by simply adding the new capacity to the same system. Over the last 25 years, the cost per unit of renewable energy has fallen so far that you can hardly measure the price today, using the same scales (since just 2009, for instance, solar energy costs have fallen more than 80 percent). Over the same 25 years the proportion of global energy use derived from renewables has not grown an inch. Solar isn’t eating away at fossil-fuel use, in other words, even slowly; it’s just buttressing it. To the market this is growth; to human civilization, it is almost suicide.” (Emphasis added, p. 178)
*There is what is called “path-dependency”: So much capital is tied up in fossil fuel, as fossil fuels have been cheap and widely available; and as fossil-fuel-based production has been foundational to the profitable functioning of the global capitalist-imperialist system, including its global supply chains with their “dirty” (fossil-fuel-based) infrastructure. Moving outside the energy industry, the auto industry continues to manufacture vehicles with gasoline-fueled, internal combustion engines—with research expenditure and infrastructure established for gasoline-fueled transport and machines. This “path” of fossil-fuel-based production is self-reinforcing, and has been further reinforced with the massive expansion of hydraulic fracking of petroleum and natural gas (and this sector’s huge fixed capital outlays). What is being described is a major barrier to “unlocking” fossil-fuel energy systems.
*The problem of green energy in the framework of capitalism-imperialism
Renewable energy, like wind and solar power, has been scaled up commercially. But these renewables answer to the goal of generating profit and are also objects of market share competition. So you have the situation in which both the Obama and Trump administrations imposed tariffs (a tax) on Chinese-manufactured solar panels. And in the current pandemic-slowdown of the world economy, firms in the solar and wind industries are scrambling to survive and competing for bank and government-backed loans.
Green energy/technology as it has developed is stamped by the structure and workings of the system. The current manufacture of solar panels involves the mining and fusing of quartz and coal, and depends on global supply chains with significant inputs of fossil fuel. The batteries powering GM and Tesla electric vehicles would not function without cobalt that is mined under horrific conditions of super-exploitation, including child labor, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Europe is establishing wind farms in North Africa, in what amounts to a kind of “green-energy colonialism.” Solar panels help power the prison and torture camp at the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo in Cuba. All of which is to say that harnessing a less fossil-fuel-based infrastructure to the existing imperialist economy of the U.S., with its unsustainable levels of consumption and its plunder of the planet, is NOT a good thing for humanity and for the earth.
*A brief aside on innovation and “risk taking.” The ideologues of capitalism hail its “risk-taking” qualities: “savvy entrepreneurs” who take “bold gambles” and “venture capitalists” who go where others dare not go. But the one “risk” that is not taken, that will never be taken... is that which does not follow the logic of profit and empire, the very logic that is destroying the planet.
*Oil is a strategic commodity. Oil is bigger than ExxonMobil, bigger than the money-slinging, right-wing oil-political donor and operative Charles Koch, and bigger than the major banks that have frenetically financed fossil-fuel’s wave of capital expansion of the past decade. Oil is a strategic commodity. Control over oil supplies and oil markets brings with it leverage over the world economy. Oil is central to the military and war-making capabilities of U.S. imperialism. It is a strategic weapon of rivalry and intimidation. For example, the U.S. imperialists, beginning with the Obama administration, stepped up oil and natural gas production to increase maneuvering room against imperialist Russia, and to intimidate countries like Iran and Venezuela—that depend on oil sales as their economic lifelines—into submission.
For all of the reasons gone into—the profitability of oil-based production, the fixed capital tied up in it and “path dependency,” the role of oil as a strategic commodity—along with other factors, capitalist markets and the capitalist state have NOT effected a rapid shift to “green technology.”
BUT ON THE BASIS OF MAKING A REVOLUTION THAT OVERTHROWS THIS SYSTEM... that establishes a new socialist state power and economy no longer based on private ownership and exploitation—and that puts an end to the American empire, with its network of sweatshops and military bases—we will be able to decisively move away from fossil fuels. We can do that as a critical part (emphasizing that this is still only a part) of a radical, all-around reorganization of society and restructuring of the economy toward socialist sustainability.
A genuine socialist economy would allocate and re-allocate resources on a societal level. It would have the capacity to redirect and subsidize investment and effect dis-investment—and to consciously regulate growth. It can do that because the framework of public-state ownership enables you to socialize and centralize the surplus of society and to consciously steer and coordinate economic development through comprehensive, integrated planning, guided by the three goals/criteria set forth in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America authored by Bob Avakian and the associated Some Key Principles of Socialist Sustainable Development.

III. “Public Goods” in a Private Capitalist World

Humanity is part of nature. We evolved with and are dependent on the physical environment and its interaction with other living things. Well-functioning ecosystems provide us with oxygen, food and fuel, materials essential to survival and well-being, protection from storms, disease, and solar radiation, regulation of water and climate. Not to mention aesthetic wonder and inspiration for art.
*The economic models and pricing system of capitalism cannot capture the true measure of these elements of nature. They systematically “undervalue” nature because, historically, these benefits of ecosystems are provided “free” as “public goods”—and have been systematically overexploited as imperialism relentlessly and massively commodifies more and more of nature. Export-production in poor countries rich with natural resources is based on the exploitation/processing of “public goods,” such as mangrove forests turned into commercial shrimp farms. But export prices do not factor in “environmental costs”: their short- and long-term impacts locally and globally. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that rich countries disproportionately use what are called “environmental sinks”—like the atmosphere and tropical rainforests—to absorb their high levels of carbon emissions.
In short, profit-maximizing capital has massive negative effects “external” to its private boundaries of ownership, operations, costs, and earnings. These are unpaid environmental externalities.

IV. The Rich/Poor Country Divide and Climate Change

*The U.S. and Western Europe have been directly responsible for 52 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution. The U.S. alone has accounted for 25 percent and is, in the words of climate scientist James Hansen, “by far, more responsible than any other nation” for global warming. The poorest half of the world’s population—3.5 billion people—is responsible for just 10 percent of cumulative carbon emissions.2
*By 2050 global warming might create as many as 1 billion climate refugees, most from the poor nations of the world—according to projections from the UN International Organization for Migration.
*In the years 1961-2000, countries in the low, middle, and high income groups were responsible for 13%, 45%, and 42% of greenhouse-gas emissions, respectively. The resulting “climate damages” were estimated to be distributed 29%, 45%, and 25%, respectively.3
*During the past 50 years, some 69 percent of deaths from extreme weather-related events—such as droughts, wildfires, floods, landslides, heat waves, and large storms—have taken place in poorer countries. Since 2000, this death rate in poor countries has been seven times higher than in wealthier countries.4
*And one little known but significant contributor to this situation is that major U.S. transnational corporations like Walmart, GM, and Apple outsource pollution to China, Bangladesh, countries in Central America, and elsewhere. America’s total carbon emissions worldwide are actually 14 percent higher than the domestic numbers reveal, when you factor in the greenhouse gases emitted by the manufacture of cars, clothing, and other products overseas but that are consumed in the U.S.5
*A 2019 study by Stanford University scientists estimates that the gap between the economic output of the world’s richest and poorest countries is 25 percent larger today than it would have been without global warming; and from 1961 to 2010, global warming decreased the wealth per person in the world’s poorest countries by 17-30 percent.6
*In the world today, nearly 70 million refugees have been forced from their homes: 23 million of them, about a third of the total, and almost all from Third World countries, were displaced by extreme weather events that are becoming more common and destructive because of global warming. The number of Central American migrants forced to flee their countries, due in significant part to climate change, increased five-fold between 2010 and 2015. These were unusually dry years, leaving many without enough food.7

V. Imperialist Global Trade, Agro-Industry, and the Destruction of Species

In May 2019, the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services issued a preliminary report. Its crucial finding was that one million species face extinction in the next few decades unless action is taken to reduce the intensity of drivers of biodiversity loss. The report identifies five factors driving extinction and biodiversity loss: changes in land and sea use; unsustainable overuse; climate change; pollution; and invasion by non-native species. And what are some of the key drivers of these drivers? This is summarized in the article “Capitalism-Imperialism Is Strangling Life on the Planet.”8
*Global trade. The UN report points out that global trade has increased ten-fold in the last 50 years. This is a product of profit-driven imperialist globalization and the forging of a globally integrated, cheap-labor manufacturing/sweatshop economy and the extraction of raw materials. Goods produced in the oppressed countries of the global south are transported worldwide in huge container ships consuming massive amounts of fuel oil that contributes to pollution and global warming. These supply chain/transport systems require increased infrastructure, such as roads and pipelines, which split up ecosystems (having effects like impeding the ability of animals to travel with changes in seasons). Global trade also increases the spread of invasive species (not native to a region). These invasive species have increased by 70 percent since 1980 alone, disrupting and often causing great damage to ecosystems. One invasive pathogen spread in part by global trade is responsible for the extinction of at least 200 species of frogs around the world.
*Commercial-driven destruction of wetlands that often support high concentrations of animals. Many such wetlands have been drained to make room for industrial farming that utilizes toxic fertilizers and pesticides that poison land and water. Wetlands have been compromised by reckless residential and urban-industrial development that produces pollution and carbon dioxide accelerating climate change.
*Fossil-fuel-driven climate change. The report emphasizes that climate change is “increasingly exacerbating the impact of other drivers...that many species are unable to cope locally with the rapid pace of climate change, either through evolutionary or behavioral processes, and that their survival will also depend on the extent to which they are capable of dispersing, of following the appropriate climatic conditions and preserving their capacity for evolution.”

VI. A planet interconnected and integrated by capitalist-imperialist globalization is a planet of intensifying and accelerating eco-catastrophe... a planet on fire.

*Why? Because capitalism-imperialism, in its ruthless and anarchic pursuit of profit and competitive advantage, not only has ravaged the environment but is driven to continue to do so, releasing more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the ceaseless drive of competing blocs of capital for profit and more profit. This is a system in which fossil fuels are “cost effective.”
*And global warming is having cascading feedback effects: climate-driven crop failures and water shortages; diseases and plagues compounded by global warming—mosquitoes that can migrate to expanding tropical regions; mutating viruses; rising sea levels that endanger densely packed swaths of humanity in coastal cities; unbreathable air; acidification and warming of oceans that depletes fisheries and contributes to more frequent and intense weather events and disasters; the potential loss of one million species; climate refugees and resource-scarcity conflicts.
*Global interconnection without global cooperation. To quote again from The Uninhabitable Earth: “If you had to invent a threat grand enough, and global enough, to plausibly conjure into being a system of true international cooperation, climate change would be it—the threat everywhere, and overwhelming, and total.” (This was before COVID-19, but this is the world we are living in!) And what we see is the utter opposite of “true international cooperation.” This inability to coordinate and cooperate is a function of capitalism-imperialism, of globalized capital anchored to national markets and safeguarded by national-imperialist states, a world system divided into oppressor and oppressed countries, and rent by antagonistic class and social division. A system in which private ownership and appropriation are in conflict with socialized and interconnected global production.
*It doesn’t have to be this way. Only a revolution to overthrow this system and establish a new socialist state power and economy, to create a socialist society as a transition to global communism—a revolution guided by the new communism developed by Bob Avakian—gives humanity any real chance to save the planet. Only by making this revolution can we fit ourselves to be caretakers of the planet for current and future generations, and create a true world community of humanity.

1. New York Review of BooksMarch 12, 2020. [back]
3. Data from U.T. Srinivasan, et al., “The debt of nations and the distribution of ecological impacts from human activities,” Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States, February 5, 2008. [back]
4. “Time to redress the globally unjust cost of climate change,” International Institute for Environment and Development, September 2019. [back]
6. “Global warming has increased global economic inequality,” Noah S. Diffenbaugh and Marshall Burke, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States, May 14, 2019. [back]

Thursday 30 July 2020


If anyone thought the label "fascist" was too extreme for fuckface trump and the current amerikkkan regime, think again.

Federal Pigs Deployed Against Protesters and Black Communities Across U.S.



From a reader:
Over the last few weeks, the Trump/Pence regime has launched two different, quasi-military operations. So far, federal forces have been sent to Portland; Kansas City, Missouri; and Seattle. Albuquerque and Chicago are on the list; Detroit has been targeted. And on July 23, Trump said “We’ll go into all the cities, any of the cities,” with 50,000 to 75,000 federal agents.1 [Emphasis added.]
These two operations—”Operation Diligent Valor” and “Operation Legend”—are different in many ways. But each is an outrageous assault on the masses of people and on constitutional rules and norms in the U.S. And if the regime is allowed to get away with this, taken together they mark a major leap in consolidating fully fascist rule—the “exercise of blatant dictatorship of the bourgeois (capitalist-imperialist) class, ruling through reliance on open terror and violence...”2.

Operation Diligent Valor (ODV)

ODV is a direct attack on the uprising of millions of people against police brutality and systemic racism after George Floyd’s murder. It started in Portland (and now in Seattle). In Portland, in early July, unidentified feds in paramilitary gear began grabbing people off the streets and throwing them in unmarked vans; dousing unarmed protesters in tear gas; and shooting them with rubber bullets, fracturing one man’s skull.
What’s more, this is being done in spite of the fact that Portland’s mayor and city council and Oregon’s governor and attorney general didn’t ask for these forces and are demanding they leave, joined by many other mayors. In fact, Portland’s mayor was himself tear-gassed while attending a protest.
ODV grew out of Trump’s June 26 Executive Order, in which Trump described anti-racism protests as “a sustained assault on the life and property of civilians ...” carried out by “rioters, arsonists, and left-wing extremists,” some of whom “have explicitly identified themselves with ideologies—such as Marxism—that call for the destruction of the United States system of government.” And these radicals “... advance a fringe ideology that paints the United States of America as fundamentally unjust ... [and] shamelessly attack the legitimacy of our institutions and the very rule of law itself.”3 Since then, Trump has justified repressing the protests by blaming the demand to “defund the police” (which has not been implemented anywhere!) for an alleged increase in violent crime.4
Besides the obvious slander against and distortion of the demands of millions of protesters who have been overwhelmingly the victims of police violence, there is something even more ominous here. Trump is criminalizing protests on the basis that they are “fringe ideologies,” or critical of core American institutions—i.e., for their beliefs. This is a screaming violation of the First Amendment. It is the regime declaring that it can decree what kind of dissent is allowable and what will be crushed. And it’s happening in plain sight.
And not only are the protesters being criminalized, so are Trump’s ruling class opponents. Trump’s Executive Order claims that local and state leaders “have lost the will or the desire to stand up to the radical fringe and defend the fundamental truth that America is good, her people are virtuous, and that justice prevails in this country....” So even though these are the elected leaders in their areas, and even though the U.S. Constitution delegates responsibility for policing to local governments, Trump (using the pretext that federal property has been defaced) is replacing the authority of these leaders with his own authority. And more than that, he has begun publicly branding Democrats as the “extreme radical left“ who are responsible for the “crimes” he alleges protesters are committing.
This leads to two other crucial points:
First, the paramilitary forces in both these operations are directly under the command of the regime. As noted last week, “The Trump/Pence regime has faced some opposition from the U.S. military for various moves related to enforcing domestic repression, law and order.” So these operations are relying on forces under the direct command of Trump and key loyalists like Chad Wolf of the Department of Homeland Security and Attorney General Bill Barr. And ODV in particular is apparently drawn mainly from Border Patrol and ICE—agencies trained to see the people they police (i.e., immigrants) as less than human and without rights. Notoriously thuggish and fanatically loyal to Trump personally, they are primed to do what the regime orders them to, without regard for the law or the Constitution.
Such a force, inserted into cities around the U.S. and working closely with local police (who are also generally Trump supporters), could give the regime tremendous leverage against opposition from any quarter.
Second, this deployment has ominous implications for the November elections. Trump is the leader of a fascist regime that has zero regard for the rules and norms of liberal democracy and is hell-bent on consolidating power. He has made very clear that he will only accept the results of an election if he deems them “fair”—and he will only consider them “fair” if he wins.
Many people are pointing out that the situation between election day and inauguration day is very likely to be confused and contested. Imagine the impact of these federal paramilitaries being deployed in major cities in the event of outbreaks of mass struggle around Trump’s illegitimate efforts to maintain power. Imagine their potential to ensure a “smooth transition”... to fascism!

Operation LeGend (OL)

OL is named after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro, killed in gun violence in Kansas City, Missouri, in June. Ever since 2017, Trump has been threatening to “send in the feds” to Chicago, using the cynical pretext of concern for the terrible violence among Black youth.5 At that time he claimed a Chicago cop had told him, “We know the names of all the bad guys.” All that was needed to “solve the problem” in Trump’s eyes was to overrule the “liberal Democrat” politicians who are “restraining” the police, send in the feds and round up everyone the cops claim is a “bad guy.”
That didn’t happen at that time, but Trump continued to push for it. Now with OL, he is threatening multiple cities with large Black and/or Latinx communities. On July 21 he declared, “We’re not going to let New York and Chicago, and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these—Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country.”
The exact features of Operation Legend are not being made clear. Reportedly, it involves “hundreds of federal agents” drawn from the FBI, ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency). Two hundred have already been sent to Kansas City and 200 are slated for Chicago. But keeping Trump’s call for 50,000-75,000 agents in mind, these initial deployments are likely just a foot in the door, with more to follow.
And what will these forces do to “end the bloodshed”? The mayor of Kansas City was told it would be “a pinpointed operation that looks to solve uncleared murders, particularly murders of young people, particularly tough cases. And it uses resources, the federal government to do things like studying ballistics on firearms, does things like tracking illegal weapons across state lines.” Attorney General Barr and Acting Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Wolf are sticking to this story as well.
Nonetheless, it is beyond belief that in the midst of the current intense crisis, a fascist regime headed by an all-but-open white supremacist is deploying hundreds—perhaps thousands—of federal agents to major cities to help overworked cops clear their cold case files and protect the lives of Black youth!
To the fascists (and to the imperialists generally) Black youth (and other youth of color) are the “problem” that has to be “solved.” Viciously exploited, robbed, and oppressed for generations by this system, which now has no future for them, these oppressed youth are seen as “dangerous” and “undesirable.” Police brutality and murder, racial profiling and mass incarceration, have been the program of both fascist and Democratic politicians for decades.
But to Trump, even the horrors that have come down have been too little—police have to stop being “too nice,” dissenters need to be “carried out on a stretcher,” and so on. Trump openly admires Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, whose “solution” to crime was to unleash police and vigilantes to kill anyone “suspected” of being a drug user. An estimated 7,000 were killed in just six months.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that the regime will pursue that exact approach, but it underscores that the fascists deeply believe that the way to solve the problems that the system confronts is ruthless violence in one form or another—unfettered by the Constitution, laws, compassion, or the qualms or strategic disagreements of their ruling class opponents.
So as Trump starts down this path of pushing aside the Democrats in order to crush a massive protest movement, and to round up “the bad guys” in communities of the oppressed, THAT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, A “BREAK GLASS” MOMENT. has long said that fascism must be stopped “before it becomes too late,”—before the point at which any voice or act of resistance will be snuffed out before it can gain momentum.
We are perilously close to that moment!
In that context, it’s extremely inspiring to see very broad sections of people—nurses, vets, “moms”—taking to the streets in the thousands to defend the protesters in Portland, night after night. And solidarity protests have now erupted in cities around the U.S.
But there should be no underestimation of the gravity of the situation or the stakes, and no illusions that the drive to fascism can be stopped without actually driving the fascist regime from power.

2. “Fascism is the exercise of blatant dictatorship by the bourgeois (capitalist-imperialist) class, ruling through reliance on open terror and violence, trampling on what are supposed to be civil and legal rights, wielding the power of the state, and mobilizing organized groups of fanatical thugs, to commit atrocities against masses of people, particularly groups of people identified as ‘enemies,’ ‘undesirables,’ or ‘dangers to society’.” See “What Is Fascism” at [back]
4. “In recent weeks there has been a radical movement to defund, dismantle and dissolve our police department,” Trump said on July 22 at a White House event, blaming the movement for “a shocking explosion of shootings, killings, murders and heinous crimes of violence.” [back]
5. See “Anything But The Truth” by Bob Avakian at for more on this cynical “concern.” [back]

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Wednesday 29 July 2020


Protests Righteously Defying Escalated Repression by Fascist Trump/Pence Regime


Editors' Note: Trump sent a fascist federal rapid deployment force to violently repress protests in Portland that have been continuing since the police murder of George Floyd. Despite this, protests have continued and drawn forward even more people in righteous defiance across the country. This is very positive, and needs to continue. In that light, these points remain important.

In the face of the federal and local pigs, on Tuesday night, people protested courageously in Portland for the 56th straight night against police terror and white supremacy. These protests have included mothers courageously stepping to the front lines to defend protesters against state repression. 
First and foremost, it is extremely positive that people have come back stronger in the face of this vicious and violent repression—night after night. Demonstration of solidarity and manifestations of support are needed from across the country.  
At the same time, the fascist regime—and its violent forces of repression—are doubling down. On Wednesday, the protesters, again numbering in the thousands—who were joined by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler—were again tear gassed by federal agents, and activists are still being snatched off the streets.1 
On Monday, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said, “I don’t need invitations by the state… to do our job. We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not.” That same day, Trump threatened, “We’re going to have more federal law enforcement, that I can tell you.”2
These moves have rightly alarmed wide segments of society. New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote, “Protesters are being snatched from the streets without warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?”3 Yes—this is not a strategy to gain votes, or a “distraction” from the COVID-19 disaster, or “the feel of fascism.” It is FASCISM! 
Second, the deployment of paramilitary units, directly under the command of the Trump/Pence regime—with the full backing of federal law enforcement—represent an extremely serious escalation of fascism. 
The Trump/Pence regime has faced some opposition from the U.S. military for various moves related to enforcing domestic repression, law and order.4 Now, the forces deployed in Portland, being tested for deployment elsewhere, are paramilitaries loyal to and under the direct control of the Trump regime. These “rapid deployment teams” are made up primarily of Border Patrol and ICE agents, notorious for being thuggish, fanatical supporters of Trump. They’re primed to do what the regime orders them to, without any regard for the law or the Constitution. This could give the regime tremendous leverage against opposition from any quarter.
Third, these deployments represent a major attack on the masses of people, and on liberals and Democrats who now control the governments of many cities and states. 
The command of many local police forces is in the hands of Democrats who oppose Trump. By deploying federal forces, and establishing joint task forces of local and federal pigs, the regime is advancing its fascist power in the centers of both bourgeois opposition to the regime as well as the mass upsurge of protest. The American Civil Liberties Union warns, “Trump’s secret forces will terrorize communities, and create chaos. This is not law and order. This is an assault on the people of this country, the specific protections of protest and press in the First Amendment, and the Constitution’s assignment of policing to local authorities.”
Federal reach into local law enforcement, over the objections of local elected officials is part of advancing fascist rule and defeating those sections of the bourgeois ruling class who oppose the fascist regime. “Policing is a local and state function,” says a statement from the U.S. Conference of Mayors. “For the federal government to come uninvited… and arrest their residents without probable cause is an unprecedented and dangerous threat to our democracy and to the future of our great country.” Mayors from 15 U.S. cities also co-signed a letter to Chad Wolf and Department of “Justice” head William Barr demanding “immediate action to withdraw your forces.”5 
Fourth, Trump’s deployment has ominous implications for the November elections.  
Trump has never played by the rules and norms of liberal democracy—he’s a fascist hell-bent on shattering those rules and norms. It’s a dangerous illusion to think he’ll act otherwise before, during, or after the coming election. He’s already refused, in a July 19 interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, to commit to abiding by the results of the election—saying, “We’ll have to see.” 
One can envision how these federal paramilitary forces can be deployed if there were outbreaks of mass protests against Trump's illegitimate moves around the election. A recent letter posted at exposes the “systematic efforts by the fascist Trump/Pence regime and its supporters to undermine the integrity of upcoming elections in their favor. This is an extremely dangerous attack on democratic—and in the case of Black people, extremely hard-fought—rights, and escalation towards fascist consolidation.”6 
All this underscores the urgency of confronting the fascist nature, program and danger of the Trump/Pence regime and of building mass, sustained, nonviolent protest to drive the Trump/Pence regime from power now—NOT waiting for the election.

3. Trump’s Occupation of American Cities Has Begun, New York Times, July 20.  [back]
4. On June 1 Trump attempted to unleash the regular military forces against the uprising nationally by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. There was pushback from various military leaders and Trump could not go ahead with his plan.  [back

Protester vs the pigs at Portland Courthouse, July 21, 2020. Photo: AP

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As happens all too frequently, the very forces that are supposed to "restore order" are the ones who are increasing chaos and violence . Fuck trump and his national guard .

Resistance broadens in Portland

Thousands of anti-racist, anti-fascist protesters continue to come out night after night into the streets of Portland, Ore., to protest against police brutality, racism and the iron-fisted federal occupation of the city. After two months of continuous protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the protests swelled yet again after the Trump administration sent federal officers to crush the movement.
The escalation of repression has only invigorated the protesters, with thousands gathering nightly in the epicenter of the protests near two government buildings in the core of downtown Portland. Large protests have occurred in North Portland as well, outside the office of the police “union.” 
Thousands flood streets in Portland, Ore., for Black Lives Matter
and against federal occupation
Two downtown parks, encompassing the blocks directly west of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse, where federal officers mount their attacks, and the Multnomah County Justice Center, which houses the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) headquarters and the Multnomah County Jail, are being occupied. Protesters have built an area resembling Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest. Authorities declared the two parks off-limits and fenced them off, but on the night of July 17 protesters tore the fences down and have occupied the area ever since. Federal and city police have not attempted to enforce the parks’ closure or wrest control from the massive crowds.
Tents have been set up where free food is distributed. One called Riot Ribs gives away barbecue and other hot foods to protesters. Donated medical supplies, water, clothing and other gear are distributed freely to anyone who needs it. Like CHOP, the area feels almost like a summer block party with disc jockeys, drummers and dancing in the streets — broken up periodically by tear gas canisters tossed into the crowds. Teams of protesters armed with leaf blowers and hockey sticks quickly clear the tear gas from the area and the dancing starts back up. Soap bubbles float through the air, creating a surreal effect.
Large groups of local moms, dads, union workers, veterans and nurses, many wearing matching colors (the moms wear yellow, for example), are now a regular fixture at the protests, their arrival greeted with thunderous applause and cheers. Some groups march for miles across the city’s heavily populated east side and over the Willamette River into downtown. 
While corporate media and the government paint the protesters as only violent — “anarchists” and “terrorists” — the reality on the ground is completely different. A broad section of Portland’s population makes up the crowds, with Black, Indigenous and people of color leading most of the chants and giving most of the speeches.
Trump has stated that the situation in Portland is now under control. Yet the protests are larger and more organized than ever, with federal officers usually hiding behind a hastily welded fence encircling the perimeter of the courthouse. On July 26, that fence was partially torn down. 
Trump has offered more federal officers to Portland and to other larger cities such as Seattle and Chicago. A large plane with the Department of Homeland Security logo was spotted at Seattle’s SeaTac airport recently, carrying unknown cargo.
The PPB’s liberal use of tear gas had begun to taper off (though the mayor never banned it entirely), but now federal officers are using massive amounts again. Tear gas had gotten into the ventilation system of the Multnomah County Jail, as high up as the 8th floor, with inmates trapped in their cells while the building is filled with gas. As a result officials at the jail decided to close the ventilation system overnight, which raises concern about the spread of COVID-19. 
Many inmates are seniors or have preexisting conditions, making them especially vulnerable to the deadly virus. Being exposed to chemical weapons and a lethal virus while incarcerated represents a serious violation of human rights.
Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler, a Democrat with sinking popularity, finally showed up to the protests on July 23, over 50 days after they started. As police commissioner, Mayor Wheeler oversaw the heavy-handed tactics of the PPB in response to the protests, a fact not unnoticed by the thousands of people in the streets. 
After giving a speech that was largely drowned out by jeers and boos from the crowd, Mayor Wheeler and many others, including this writer, were teargassed by federal officers. But while the mayor quickly left the scene and took refuge in a municipal office building a block away, the crowds regrouped and continued their protest late into the night.
The situation in Portland remains tense though fluid, with conditions changing rapidly. But for now, the protesters seem to have the upper hand, being able to withstand assaults from the authorities and hold their ground. Donations and people continue to pour in, and despite round-the-clock negative coverage in the corporate media, the protests still enjoy widespread popularity. 
This writer, who lives in downtown Portland about five blocks from the protests, has spoken to many downtown residents who are all in solidarity with the movement. They realize that their current difficulties living downtown are the fault of the police and the feds, not protesters. 
(WW Photo: Joshua Hanks )