Monday 24 June 2024


 This fucking pig is a 35 year veteran of the force, and he pulled a weapon on someone he was sexually assaulting ? Suspended with pay , and then what ?

Toronto detective faces charges for alleged sexual assault of subordinates

TORONTO — A Toronto detective is facing charges for the alleged workplace sexual assault and harassment of a number of his subordinates in cases spanning a three-year period.

Toronto police say the 57-year-old detective's alleged acts of harassment, sexual assault and sexual harassment against his subordinates took place between September 2020 and November 2023.

Police allege that in one case he assaulted one of the victims and pulled a weapon.

He faces charges that include four counts of sexual assault and one count each of assault and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose.

Police say the detective has been with the force for 35 years and was assigned to the gun and gang task force.

He has been suspended with pay.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published June 21, 2024.

The Canadian Press

Saturday 22 June 2024


 I saw revolutionary hip hop group Dead Prez play tonight as part of Skafest, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen in my life.

Revolutionary , upbeat , positive , and all about the love , these people had it all and it was amazing.
If you missed it I feel sad for you.


 So all of these pigs are hanging out at a strip club off duty, one of them sexually assaults a worker there, and the others lie for him ? And there may be no record of it if he completes probation ?
Fuck them and their pig culture.

Calgary officer sexually assaulted strip club server then other officers lied for him: court docs

A group of Calgary Police officers were drinking at Blondies in October 2021 when one of them assaulted a server.  (Google Maps  - image credit)
A group of Calgary Police officers were drinking at Blondies in October 2021 when one of them assaulted a server. (Google Maps - image credit)

In October 2021, a group of Calgary Police Service officers were drinking at a local strip club when one of the officers sexually assaulted a female employee and the others lied about it, newly released court documents show.

The documents — an agreed statement of facts and court transcript — were filed as part of one officer's plea to a charge of sexual assault earlier this year.

Const. Gurluv Singh was handed a conditional discharge, meaning a conviction will not be registered if he completes a period of probation.

In handing down his sentencing decision, Justice John Bascom noted Singh's actions "were spontaneous and fuelled by alcohol."

'Genuinely remorseful'

Previously an "exemplary employee of CPS," Bascom found Singh's actions were "an anomaly and out of character."

Singh's lawyer Shamsher Kothari said his client is "genuinely remorseful and takes full responsibility for his actions."

"It remains true that this is a very unfortunate situation involving actions completely out of character resulting in a particularly harmful mistake," said Kothari.

Details of what transpired at Blondies All Star Cabaret comes from the agreed statement of facts.

On Oct. 9, 2021, a "whole district team" of off-duty CPS officers were drinking and "socializing" at Blondies, a strip club in the Beltline.

Co-worker wanted body shot

The complainant worked at Blondies as a "shooter girl," selling shots of alcohol.

The woman approached a table of off-duty officers with a tray of shots.

One of the men — who was not identified by name in the documents — touched a shooter on the tray. Because of COVID rules at the time, the staff member explained that the man now had to buy the shot.

The woman described him as "annoying."

"He did not want to purchase the shooter and instead attempted to negotiate something more entertaining than simply buying the shooter as a gift to the accused," according to the agreed statement of facts.

Victim grabbed from behind

He then asked if the shot could be consumed off some part of the woman's body, specifically from between her breasts, referring to it as a "hooter shooter."

The victim refused.

The server finally agreed to balance the shot on her backside as she bent over.

She communicated to the off-duty cop that there could be no physical contact.

As she balanced the shooter, Singh, who was directly behind the woman, grabbed her hips and grinded his pelvis into her.

She stood up, causing the shooter to spill.

Officers 'denied' physical contact

Singh "immediately disengaged contact," which lasted "less than three seconds."

According to the agreed statement of facts, Singh did not know about the agreement for no physical contact, made between the server and his colleague.

The victim left the table and told her manager about what happened.

The manager returned to the table and confronted the off-duty officers.

"The members denied that the complainant had been touched."

Surveillance video confirmed victim's story

The manager left to retrieve surveillance video and discovered it confirmed his employee's version of events.

When the manager returned to the officers' table, all four had left.

The incident was reported. Following a two-year investigation, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) laid the charge.

The complainant declined to write a victim impact statement for the court.

CPS confirmed Singh has a pending disciplinary hearing under Alberta's Police Act. He is suspended without pay.

ASIRT investigates when police actions result in death or injury and allegations of serious police misconduct

Friday 21 June 2024


 When is too much money still not enough ? How can you have billions of dollars and still exploit poor workers ? These people are fucking scumbags .

4 members of a billionaire family get prison in Switzerland for exploiting domestic workers

The Associated Press

GENEVA (AP) — An Indian-born billionaire and three family members were sentenced to prison on Friday for exploiting domestic workers at their lakeside villa in Switzerland by seizing their passports, barring them from going out and making them work up to 18 hours a day.

A Swiss court dismissed more serious charges of human trafficking against 79-year-old tycoon Prakash Hinduja; his wife, Kamal; son Ajay and daughter-in-law Namrata on the grounds that the workers understood what they were getting into, at least in part. The four received between four and 4 1/2 years in prison.

The workers were mostly illiterate Indians who were paid not in Swiss francs but in Indian rupees, deposited in banks back home that they couldn't access.

Lawyers representing the defendants said they would appeal.

Robert Assael, a lawyer for Kamal Hinduja, said he was “relieved” that the court threw out the trafficking charges but called the sentence excessive.

“The health of our clients is very poor, they are elderly people,” he said, explaining why the family was not in court. He said Hinduja’s 75-year-old wife was in intensive care and the family was with her.

A fifth defendant — Najib Ziazi, the family’s business manager — received an 18-month suspended sentence.

Last week, it emerged in court that the family had reached an undisclosed settlement with the plaintiffs. Swiss authorities have seized diamonds, rubies, a platinum necklace and other jewelry and assets in anticipation that they could be used to pay for legal fees and possible penalties.

Along with three brothers, Prakash Hinduja leads an industrial conglomerate in sectors including information technology, media, power, real estate and health care. Forbes magazine has put the Hinduja family's net worth at some $20 billion.

The family set up residence in Switzerland in the 1980s, and Hinduja was convicted in 2007 on similar charges. A separate tax case brought by Swiss authorities is pending against Hinduja, who obtained Swiss citizenship in 2000.

In this case, the court said the four were guilty of exploiting the workers and providing unauthorized employment, giving meager if any health benefits and paying wages that were less than one-tenth the pay for such jobs in Switzerland.

Prosecutors said workers described a “climate of fear” instituted by Kamal Hinduja. They were forced to work with little or no vacation time, and worked even later hours for receptions. They slept in the basement, sometimes on a mattress on the floor.

Jamey Keaten, The Associated Press

Thursday 20 June 2024


 You need to go to The Quadra House tomorrow night to check out BOLOC .

Fast uncompromising hardcore. See you there !

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 It would appear that the fascist netanyahu is going to fail at his objectives for Gaza, but he won't stop the killing because he believes the Palestinians should be wiped off the face of the earth.

The War is Lost – But Why is Netanyahu Killing Civilians in Rafah?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Design: Palestine Chronicle)
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By Ramzy Baroud  

The Israeli leader is just buying time, though. Israel’s top generals and military experts and analysts know that the war has been lost and that prolonging it will not, in any way, alter its predictable outcomes.

Just hours after Israel carried out a gruesome massacre of displaced Palestinians in the Tel Al-Sultan area west of Rafah in the Gaza Strip on 26 May, it carried out yet another massacre in the Al-Mawasi area. The first is now known as the “Tents Massacre”.

It took place shortly after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) finally issued a stern demand that, “Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in Rafah which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

The killing of 50 Palestinians in their own displacement tents was the answer given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government to the ICJ and the rest of the international community. The successive Israeli massacres in Rafah demonstrate the degree of intransigence of Israel’s genocidal regime.

Netanyahu and his Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, who could both be on the official “wanted” list of the International Criminal Court (ICC) within weeks, could easily have chosen a different path, even for mere political maneuvering. They could, for example, have delayed their Rafah operation or changed strategies, just to avoid further ICJ rulings on the matter.

Their 2000lb bunker-busting bombs dismembered and beheaded children as they lay beside their mothers in makeshift camps that have no water, no electricity and no food. While the Israeli army offered the world a clearly concocted version of what happened, blaming “militants” and such, Netanyahu’s office described the attack as a mistake.

Both versions, of course, were lies. The Israeli army possesses some of the most advanced surveillance technology in the world, thanks to US generosity and continued support. It could easily have distinguished between a Palestinian Resistance operational area and a refugee camp filled with children and women.

If the attack was indeed a mistake, what explains the other massacres that followed, also in Rafah and in nearby Mawasi, which killed and maimed scores of refugees? And what is the logic behind the killing and wounding of nearly 130,000 Palestinians since the start of the war on 7 October, the majority of whom were women and children?

The Tents Massacre was neither a mistake, nor can it be blamed on imaginary militants operating from inside displaced refugees’ tents. Nevertheless, Netanyahu did have his own logic. For a start, he wanted to send a direct message to let the ICJ know that Israel is not perturbed by its direct order to end the Rafah operation. The intended audience of this message was not necessarily the ICJ judges, but the international community, which remains, despite its solidarity rhetoric, ineffectual in influencing the duration, direction or nature of the Israeli war.

Netanyahu also wanted to score cheap political points against his rivals in his War Cabinet, by presenting himself as the bold Israeli leader who is standing up to the whole world. He has stated over and over again that “[the Jewish people] will stand alone.”

The Israeli leader must also have been informed that more Israeli soldiers had been captured by the Palestinian Resistance. The latter’s statement about this on 25 May was issued just one day before Netanyahu attacked Rafah. From a military point of view, the capturing of more soldiers who were sent to Gaza supposedly to free other Israeli captives should have been a “game over” moment.

The Gaza Resistance hasn’t released any more information since the initial, brief statement by Al-Qassam military spokesman, Abu Obeida. Hamas is known for releasing information to the public when it is strategically most opportune to do so, as was the case in its announcement that it is holding Israeli Colonel Asaf Hamami, who Israel declared to be dead last December.

Netanyahu and his army are trying desperately to pre-empt the angry reaction in Israeli society about the capture of soldiers by keeping the news focused on Rafah.

Moreover, the timing of the massacre was also a message to the US, the mediators (Egypt and Qatar), Hamas and even members of the War Cabinet who are keen on ending the war through a truce agreement. Media reports have spoken about a potential breakthrough in talks, starting in Paris before moving to Doha, which showed some willingness on the part of Israel to link the release of prisoners to a permanent truce.

Such an agreement would be considered a defeat from Netanyahu’s point of view, and would certainly usher in the end of his political career. Hence, he simply lashed out against the refugees of Rafah with the hope of disrupting any potential deal in Doha.

It was for the same reason that his troops opened fire at Egyptian soldiers at the Rafah Crossing, killing one, possibly two, and wounding more. Egypt has been an important mediator in the truce talks. Attacking the mediator is not only humiliating for the Egyptian government, but for the army and Egyptian people as well.

Although Netanyahu has no strategy for the war itself, he has a strategy for prolonging his own political survival. It is predicated on mixing the political cards, ensuring chaos and carrying out constant massacres against civilians, all safe in the knowledge that Washington will always remain on his side no matter what.

The Israeli leader is just buying time, though. Israel’s top generals and military experts and analysts know that the war has been lost and that prolonging it will not, in any way, alter its predictable outcomes.

– Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of six books. His latest book, co-edited with Ilan Pappé, is “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak out”. Dr. Baroud is a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). His website is

Tuesday 18 June 2024


 This is a great idea from the PFLP, but as long as the amerikkkans are calling the shots, it won't happen. They love injustice and fascism.

PFLP calls for international committee to investigate crimes against Palestinian detainees

The following statement on Zionist crimes and horrific violations in the “Sde Teman” camp against Palestinian prisoners was released by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Office of Martyrs, Prisoners and Wounded on June 14, 2024, and issued by Resistance News Network: 

Credit: Palestine Campaign

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is following with extreme anger the shocking and painful reports and horrifying testimonies regarding the severe violations and unprecedented crimes committed against Palestinian prisoners in the “Sde Teman” camp in the Naqab Desert. 

This camp has turned into an extermination camp under the direct supervision of the occupying army and by a decision from the government of the Zionist killers, with U.S. backing and international silence. 

The Front confirms that the testimonies from released prisoners, revealing systematic killings and brutal torture by the Zionist jailers, are shocking and horrifying practices only carried out by a group of killers, fascists and sadists thirsty for killing and torture. 

Released prisoners reveal beatings of detainees to death, leaving the wounded without treatment until their wounds rot, in addition to severe violations against detained women, including stripping and beating them. These unprecedented crimes cannot be ignored or go unpunished. 

In light of these horrific crimes and painful testimonies, the Front demands the formation of an urgent international committee to investigate the Zionist crimes committed against detained prisoners, especially those whose detention in the “Sde Teman” camp or other Zionist detention and extermination camps has been concealed. 

The Front demands that the Zionists responsible for these crimes be brought to the International Criminal Court, foremost among them the criminal, fascist and racist Ben-Gvir, so they pay for committing these horrifying crimes. 

The Front calls on the free people of the world, all supporters and relevant institutions to urgently mobilize in public, media, legal and diplomatic arenas to pressure for firm and serious stances against these Zionist atrocities against the prisoners, and to reveal the fate of hundreds of prisoners held in inhumane and terrifying conditions. 

The Front calls on all national and Islamic forces to unite and combine efforts to defend prisoners’ rights, leading to their liberation, and to continue working to expose the unprecedented practices of the occupation against the prisoners.

Monday 17 June 2024


 Of course the israeli state and army knew of the fucking Hamas plan to invade and take hostages ! It was a setup to finally destroy Gaza, kick everyone out, and resettle it with israeli people, all the while claiming it was some sort of legitimate self-defense action. Fuck them and their supporters.

Israeli Army, Intelligence Knew of October 7 Plan – KAN

The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October. (Photo: video grab, via Israeli army)
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By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The number of Israelis captured in the operation was very close to the number predicted in the just-revealed document. 

A document prepared by the Gaza Division of the Israeli army had already warned that the Palestinian group Hamas was preparing to launch an attack on Israel with the purpose of capturing 200 to 250 Israelis, the official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation KAN revealed on Monday.

The news of the document, which was also reported by Al-Jazeera, detailed the planned hostage-taking process by Hamas, quoting an Israeli security source as saying that the document was also known to Israeli intelligence, at least within the Gaza Division Command, Al-Jazeera reported.  

According to the Arabic news channel website, Israel’s KAN TV said that the document was prepared by the Gaza Division last September, shortly before Palestinian fighters attacked southern Israeli military bases and settlements capturing many Israeli officers and settlers. 

The number of Israelis captured in the operation was very close to the number predicted in the just-revealed document. 

Citing a previous report by the New York Times, published last January, Al-Jazeera said that “more than a year ago, the Israeli security establishment obtained a secret 40-page document called the Jericho Wall.”

The document further demonstrates the conflict within the Israeli ruling establishment regarding what transpired on October 7 and what the Israeli army, intelligence, and government knew or didn’t know about Hamas’ plans. 

Despite this, last May, Israel’s Channel 12 said that the General Staff of the Israeli army had conducted an inspection of all military sites in the Gaza Division only 72 hours before the Hamas operation, known as Al-Aqsa Flood.

According to the channel, only one military site, the Yiftach, received low marks in terms of its training and preparedness.

Ongoing Genocide

Currently on trial before the International Court of Justice for genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza since October 7. 

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 37,347 Palestinians have been killed, and 85,372 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

Moreover, at least 7,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip. 

Palestinian and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli war has resulted in an acute famine, mostly in northern Gaza, resulting in the death of many Palestinians, mostly children. 

The Israeli aggression has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafah near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.

Israel says that 1,200 soldiers and civilians were killed during the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7. Israeli media published reports suggesting that many Israelis were killed on that day by ‘friendly fire’.