Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Wow, this is some intensive training the pigs get . It's no wonder people feel so much safer in their presence.

Police recruit who lost both legs in 'barbaric hazing ritual' sues Denver, paramedics and officers

DENVER (AP) — A police recruit who had to have both of his legs amputated after losing consciousness and repeatedly collapsing during fight training at Denver’s police academy is suing those who allegedly forced him to continue the “barbaric hazing ritual” after paramedics ignored warning signs.

Victor Moses, 29, alleges in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that aggressive officers knocked him down multiple times in the second round of “fight day" last year, with one of them shoving him off the mat and causing him to hit his head on the floor. He said he was pressured to continue, with officers picking him up and setting him back on his feet, before paramedics standing by were asked to check him out, the lawsuit said.

Moses told them he had the sickle cell trait, which puts him at an increased risk of medical complications from high-intensity exercise. He also said he had very low blood pressure and complained that his legs were cramping, according to the lawsuit. The symptoms are danger signs for people with his condition.

Nevertheless, paramedics cleared Moses to return to training, which the suit alleges was a decision made to support the police.

The type of training described in the lawsuit is common in the United States and helps prepare recruits for scenarios they could face on patrol, said Ian Adams, an assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of South Carolina. Minor injuries are common and occasionally recruits die, often because of an underlying medical condition, he said.

Both the Denver Police Department and Denver Health, the public hospital that employed the paramedics, declined to comment on the allegations, saying they could not address pending litigation.

“Safety and well-being is a top priority for Denver Health and its paramedics,” the hospital said in a statement.

A telephone call and email seeking comment was also left with the city attorney's office.

All recruits must complete the training to prepare them physically and mentally for fights they could encounter on the street. It includes having recruits punch and kick a dummy or a trainer holding pads, using a padded baton to fight trainers, wrestling and practicing to arrest a suspect who assaults them, according to the lawsuit.

The legal action alleges the practice is an unnecessarily violent rite of passage that recruits have to endure to be accepted into the police “fraternity." It notes that other recruits suffered injuries before Moses started his drills, including one person whose nose was broken.

The lawsuit also claims that training teaches recruits that excessive force is “officially tolerated, and indeed culturally expected.”

Moses’ lawyers, John Holland and Darold Killmer, say that mindset has nurtured a violent police force and led to lawsuits costing Denver millions of dollars.

“Fight Day both encourages Denver police to engage in brutality and to be indifferent to the injuries they inflict,” Holland said.

The lawsuit claims paramedics cleared Moses to continue the training on Jan. 6, 2023 even though he was not able to stand or walk to the next round — wrestling. Instead, a trainer came to Moses and got on top of him. The recruit soon said he could not breathe, became unresponsive and was taken to the hospital, according to the lawsuit.

“If this had been a football game or boxing match, the head injury and losses of consciousness would have ended any continued participation or fighting immediately,” Moses' lawyers argue.

The lawsuit alleges that Moses was essentially in police custody after becoming incapacitated and the victim of excessive force as the training continued without him being able to consent.

Moses used to spend free time going to breweries and hiking with friends, but now he is largely confined to his apartment in Denver. He is learning to walk again with prosthetics, but cannot electronically charge them himself because of damage also done to his hands. Despite taking powerful opioids, he lives with constant phantom pain from the limbs he no longer has.

The former rental car manager wanted to be a police officer because he thought it would be a more interesting and meaningful career for someone who enjoys connecting with people.

When Moses was eventually taken to the hospital, his lawyers say police mislead doctors by not revealing that he had hit his head on the floor, compromising the care doctors were able to provide.

Moses remained in the hospital for over four months, had both of his legs amputated below the knee and underwent surgery in July to try to restore his grip in one hand.

Now he wonders what would have happened if police had just stopped the training.

“I more than likely could still have my legs. I more than likely could still have my sanity. I could have been a police officer had you just not hazed us,” he told The Associated Press.

Colleen Slevin, The Associated Press

Sunday 28 July 2024


 No matter how many stories like this you hear, it never gets less infuriating . Fucking pigs are pigs and will always be pigs, as long as this system is in place.

Justice for Sonya Massey! Indict racist police!

The world is appalled at the bodycam footage released on July 22 of the police killing of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman from Springfield, Illinois. She was murdered by Sangamon County sheriffs on July 6 after she called them for assistance for a possible prowler lurking outside her home. 

This was nothing less than a cold-blooded execution by police — which can only be described as despicable and gruesome. Her last words were “I’m sorry” as she put her hands in the air and police fired at her within a split second, shooting her directly in the head from a mere feet away.

The bodycam footage of one of the officers shows that the police were disrespectful and confrontational from the moment they knocked on her door. Massey, who was in distress, answered the door, and the first words out of her mouth were, “Don’t hurt me.” 

She was not taken seriously and was mocked by police. At one point, one of the police even instructed the 911 operator she was on the phone with to hang up on her.

Any use of force by police, especially deadly force, was entirely unprovoked. During her conversation with police, Massey got up to move a pot of boiling water off of the stove. Sean Grayson, the white racist cop who killed her, falsely claimed that she “came at him with boiling water”.  

This was a blatant lie, as the bodycam shows her place the boiling water on the counter as instructed, and she was shot a split second later. Police continued to yell “drop the pot” after she had already done so.

Grayson, who killed her, also did not turn his bodycam on until after the killing occurred, so the only footage available is the angle from the other cop that was present. The two cops then stood around while she lay bleeding on the floor, refusing to render medical aid. 

The police can be heard on the footage saying, “I’m not even gonna waste my medical stuff on her.” Not one bit of remorse or concern for her was shown by any member of the sheriff’s department in the half hour that followed the killing.

Grayson was fired and indicted on charges of murder by the Illinois grand jury, but this can hardly be considered justice. He had previous DUI convictions and has worked for at least six different police departments just since 2020. 

If this were an issue of “bad apples” and not a whole rotten racist system, Grayson would never have been given a badge and gun in the first place. These killings would not be a daily occurance. Yet thousands of Black people, including those with disabilities like Massey, meet the same fate at the hands of the police.

Police in the U.S. treat Black people with the same dehumanization and ruthlessness that the Israel Occupation Forces subject Palestinians to. Both U.S. and Israeli police as well as military forces operate as colonial occupying armies in colonized communities. Both commit unfathomable acts of violence on camera for the world to see, with little to no accountability. 

Indictment is not enough. Justice can only look like a wholesale dismantling of the racist police and prison system as a bare minimum. 

Workers World Party calls for the abolition of U.S. police and reparations for Black people NOW! Justice for Sonya Massey!

Thursday 25 July 2024


 As guilty as netanyahu and his fascist military is of war crimes, the amerikkkans are equally guilty and should be charged with genocide also. Fuck imperialism.

Palestinian Resistance factions denounce Netanyahu’s speech before U.S. Congress

The following statements were published by Resistance News Network on July 24 and July 25, 2024. 


We in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, have followed the speech of the “israeli” terrorism government’s Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu before Congress. Accordingly, we affirm the following:

First: Netanyahu should have been arrested as a war criminal and handed over to the International Criminal Court instead of being given the opportunity to polish his image before the world and cover up the mass killings and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip.

Second: While the head of the terrorist occupation government leads a brutal war aimed at exterminating our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, violating all international laws, norms, and humanitarian treaties designed to protect civilians – in an unprecedented manner in modern history — the U.S. Congress welcomes a speech from war criminal Netanyahu, where he repeats the same degrading propaganda and lies he made over nine months ago, which have been proven false and were used as a pretext to commit the most heinous crimes against women, children and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.

Third: Netanyahu tried to play on emotional strings, reverse facts and promote false narratives about October 7, while “israeli” and international investigations confirmed these allegations were false and that the “israeli” army committed mass murders of Israeli civilians in the Gaza envelope.

Fourth: Netanyahu’s speech reflects the depth of his military, security and international crisis, as he tried to publicly cover it with the philosophy of defeats suffered by his army in Gaza, promoting imaginary victories by liberating a number of captives, forgetting the horrific massacres he committed against civilians in Rafah and Nusseirat during their liberation.

Fifth: Netanyahu’s talk about intensive efforts to return the hostages is nothing but lies and deception of “israeli,” U.S., and global public opinion, while he was the one who thwarted all efforts to end the war and make a deal to release the captives, despite the continuous efforts of mediators from Egypt and Qatar – and despite the flexibility and positivity shown by the [Hamas] movement, which holds him fully responsible for the consequences of this stance and the fate of the prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

Sixth: All human rights and humanitarian reports have confirmed that Netanyahu and his army [have] committed acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, unprecedented in contemporary global wars, using starvation as a weapon, preventing aid from reaching, burning and destroying the Rafah land crossing and killing many humanitarian workers – all of which confirm the falsity of his claims about aid entering and reaching the Strip’s residents.

Seventh: By continuing to provide all means of political and military support to the occupation, granting the government of Zionist terrorists the necessary cover to escape punishment, and providing it with a platform in Congress to wash the hands of fascist war criminals from the blood of innocent children, instead of holding them accountable for their crimes against humanity, Washington affirms its full partnership in the heinous violations committed in the Gaza Stripgenocide, starvation, and destruction of all aspects of life – as witnessed by the world with sound and image.   

Eighth: We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirm that the war criminal Netanyahu’s visions for the future of the Gaza Strip are mere delusions and fantasies he is trying to market. The Palestinian people alone have the right to determine their fate and decide who governs them. They have decided to rally around the option of resistance and confront the occupation wherever it exists until it is swept away from our pure land and our independent Palestinian state is established with Al-Quds [Jerusalem] as its capital.

Ninth: Netanyahu’s attack on the Axis of Resistance reflects the depth of his military and security crisis due to the open fronts, which calls for more efforts from all arenas and fronts to inflict defeats on the criminal Zionist entity.

Tenth: We call on the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to declare their stance rejecting the occupation and work to end it by all means, supporting the steadfastness of our Palestinian people and their resistance until our people can exercise their right of return and self-determination under international law, which the Nazi Zionist occupation violates.

Our patient and stationed Palestinian people and their heroic valiant resistance, who are facing a brutal war that represents the peak of the occupation’s failed attempts to eradicate them—which has been ongoing for more than 76 years—will continue, along with all forces of resistance and the free people of the world, to confront this fascist aggression until it is broken and defeated from our land and sanctities.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

The reception of war criminal Netanyahu in Congress confirms U.S. involvement and immersion in the genocide war. 

The speech by the Zionist enemy’s prime minister, war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, before the U.S. Congress was an attempt to market lies and sell delusions, as he tried to justify the genocidal crimes committed by his cowardly army in the Gaza Strip. 

The U.S. Congress’s reception of war criminal Netanyahu, who is primarily responsible for the Zionist genocide in Gaza, confirms that the U.S. is the main sponsor of terrorism and the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and is directly involved in unprecedented crimes against the Palestinian people. 

The invitation of war criminal Netanyahu by members of the U.S. Congress proves that this body is nothing more than a council for murderers and organized terrorism, serving as the godfather of the U.S. colonial entity and legitimizing its crimes globally. 

The enthusiastic applause from the Zionized Congress members was a farcical play and a scene embodying the degradation of U.S. policies and their deep complicity with Zionist terrorism. 

What was said in Netanyahu’s speech once again reflects the promotion of lies and distortion of facts. The Middle East, and indeed the whole world, faces the axis of Zionist terrorism backed by the criminal United States imperialism. 

Netanyahu’s lies about the number of casualties and massacres in Gaza being the lowest in any wars are blatant falsehoods; the occupation’s crimes in Gaza, as testified by all international organizations and institutions, are among the most horrific and brutal in human history. 

The boycott by a significant number of U.S. legislators of Netanyahu’s speech signifies their awareness that he is a liar and an outcast seeking to exploit this address for personal interests. 

The war criminal’s attempt to invoke the Holocaust to justify their crimes is a transparent attempt to export a victim narrative and justify the war crimes committed by the Zionist genocide regime against the Palestinian people. 

It is the Zionist entity and the U.S. that should feel ashamed, not the protesters who stood for justice and condemned the Zionist genocide. Netanyahu’s lies about an imminent victory are exposed by the significant losses his soldiers are suffering in the field at the hands of the heroic resistance fighters, proving that the resistance is present, strong, and its capabilities are increasing day by day. 

There is no “New Gaza” as Netanyahu deludesGaza will always remain an integral and inseparable part of Palestine, a thorn in the enemy’s throat, and a graveyard for them. Generations will continue on the same path and the resistance’s weapons will remain ready and aimed at the enemy – and any hand that approaches it will be cut off. 

After the war, Gaza will be free of occupation, and our people will not allow any administration or puppet government to take responsibility for the Strip. The Palestinian people will determine the future of the Strip and how it is governed.  

The “Abraham Alliance” Netanyahu spoke of is an alliance of the axis of evil in the region, and it will not achieve its goals, whether through normalization or by allowing the Zionist entity to infiltrate the region. 

All the free people of the world know that Palestine is the land of the Palestinian people, owned by them from the river to the sea – and that this false Zionist entity is destined for demise, living through an existential crisis inaugurated by the epic of October 7, deepened by the valiant resistance and support fronts of the resistance factions. 

The established reality on the ground, the legendary steadfastness of our Palestinian people, the painful and qualitative strikes by the resistance, and the global rallying around the Palestinian cause confirm beyond any doubt that the inevitable and decisive victory for our people and the imminent defeat of the Zionists is near.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Palestine:

In response to the speech of the war criminal, wanted by international courts, the prime minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, before the U.S. Congress, it is important for us in the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine to emphasize the following:

First: Netanyahu’s speech is full of lies and slander, whether those related to the course of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, and his repeating lies about beheadings and killing innocents that were proven false by the enemy’s media before others, or those related to the historical narrative. Netanyahu missed the fact that the Holocaust, with which he justifies the establishment of the entity, and which he appeals to the West with, occurred more than 20 years after the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in the context of a systematic colonial plan to occupy our region and divide our nation.

Second: In his speech, Netanyahu proved that his fragile entity derives its existence from wars. By placing his entity in the service of Western policies and ambitions, speaking about the conflict between the West and the East, he proved that this entity only lives on bloodshed and inciting peoples against each other, which confirms that the existence of this entity is a danger to all of humanity.

Third: Netanyahu’s lies that his army did not kill a single civilian in the attack on Rafah, and is not waging a war of starvation and genocide against the Gaza Strip, indicate his mockery of the world and his shameless indulgence in lies.

Fourth: The imaginary heroics that Netanyahu tried to market by claiming to liberate some prisoners indicate the state of helplessness and failure he suffers in the field in the face of the steadfastness and resistance of the Palestinian people, which will not be changed by speeches or waves of applause.

Fifth: Netanyahu’s speech clearly stated that he has no intention of ending his aggression against Gaza, nor stopping the war, and that his endeavor is to obtain a U.S. mandate to expand the scope of the war to include the entire region, which proves his bloodthirsty mentality on which his entity and Netanyahu’s political future feeds.

Sixth: Netanyahu’s talk about the future of Gaza confirms that he seeks to perpetuate his occupation, and that he is continuing his crimes and the war of genocide against our people, without deterrence or control.

Seventh: We call on the free people of the world to expose Netanyahu’s plans and to make every effort to pursue and quarantine him, and we warn Western governments against falling into the trap of the criminal Nazi government in the entity. What Netanyahu and his gang are seeking is a war that spares nothing and no one, deluding themselves that it comes from the myths of the Talmud that feed their imaginations.

These statements were lightly edited

Tuesday 23 July 2024


 Of course there are going to be several organizations involved in the Resistance to the israeli genocide in Gaza who you will have strong disagreements with. The main thing now, however , is that the Resistance continues and gets stronger, inflicting more and more losses on the fascist israeli military as they attempt to carry out genocide. From hopelessness to victory !

‘Ambushes of Death’ – Resistance Roundup – Day 291

Palestinian resistance fighters lured Israeli soldiers in an ambush. (Photo: video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

A video entitled ‘Ambushes of Death’ by Al-Qassam Brigades was released on Tuesday. 

The video detailed a complex operation that involved the detonation of a tunnel in the Yabna neighborhood in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah, in addition to an Israeli infantry force being lured into “an explosively-rigged home”.

This was only one of several operations carried out and documented by Palestinian groups in Gaza and the Lebanese movement Hezbollah.

Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas)

“Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist D9 bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell near Al-Zalal Mosque, east of the city of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.

“Al-Qassam Brigades bombard enemy forces penetrating the Juhr al-Dik area in the central Gaza Strip with mortar shells.

“After our fighters’ return from their combat missions… Scenes from the ambushes by Al-Qassam Brigades against Zionist enemy soldiers inside Yabna Camp in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip

“0:16 – Ambushes of death.

“0:24 – The first ambush

“- The enemy deployed a loudspeaker device with a camera into the tunnel, and the fighters opened fire at it, damaging it.

“0:58 – After the enemy soldiers entered the tunnel, it was detonated, resulting in them being killed and wounded.

“1:12 – The second ambush.

– A Zionist infantry force entered an explosively-rigged home in Yabna camp.”

Al-Quds Brigades (Islamic Jihad)

“We, in cooperation with the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, bombarded Zionist enemy gatherings in the supply line on the Netzarim axis with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.” 


“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance launched an aerial attack with a squadron of attack drones on the Neria Mountain base, which is a brigade command headquarters currently occupied by forces from the Golani Brigade, targeting the positions of their officers and soldiers. The targets were hit accurately, resulting in confirmed casualties.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the headquarters of the Sahel Battalion in the Beit Hillel barracks with Falaq missiles.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Al-Marj site with a Burkan missile, hitting it directly.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Ramim barracks “a battalion command headquarters currently occupied by forces from the Golani Brigade” with heavy artillery shells, hitting it directly.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance, on Tuesday 23-07-2024, bombarded the  Kiryat Shmona settlement with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted a movement of Israeli enemy soldiers at the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with artillery shells, hitting them directly, killing and wounding them.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the personnel detection radar at the Birkat Risha site with guided missiles, achieving a direct hit that led to its destruction.

“The fighters of the Islamic Resistance, at 10:13 PM on Tuesday, 23-07-2024, targeted a group of Israeli enemy soldiers while they were moving in the Al-Assi site with rocket weapons, hitting them directly.”

(The Palestine Chronicle