Tuesday 18 October 2011


So it's official. The cops are now not only allowed to taser children, in some cases they may be required to. At least their internal investigation says so.
    For those who don't know, there was an incident last April at a group home in Vancouver, where a deaf 11 year old armed with a knife was involved in a stand-off with the police. After 40 minutes of trying to get him to put down the knife, they decided to taser him. So I'm expected to believe that the police department, with their vast resources and supposed skills, couldn't at least find someone who had the ability to deal with troubled youth? I'm supposed to accept that 40 minutes was the time limit? I'm supposed to accept that some fucking cops, most of whom are large men, couldn't find any other way of handling a situation involving a child armed with a knife? Who was served and who was protected by this action? Do you feel any safer? And what are the repercussions for the child in all of this? Fucking pathetic. Imagine a world where the police were actually there to help the public, and not threaten them in order to "maintain order."
Now watch this. http://youtu.be/WMG0qu3XP7k
Thank you.