Monday 16 January 2012


The grieving process is usually composed of various stages. From sadness, to anger, back to sadness,and eventually making your peace with the situation and finding closure. Right now I'm at the anger stage of things. Not with Jamer, although ultimately it was his decision to use the drugs that took him out, but with whoever the "friends" were who helped him  get the drugs. Was it "friends" who helped him get the shit? Were any "friends" there when he took his final hit? I know of at least two people who tried to reach out to him when they saw how badly he'd been doing lately, but almost everyone knew of his battles with depression and addiction. So what kind of a fucking asshole would've helped him  get the dope?
   I fucking hate drugs and alcohol. Most of my friends drink, some smoke weed, but from a societal perspective, I despise all of that shit. I know substance abuse is just the symptom, used to cover up and run away from deeper trauma. But I still hate it. I hate the society and social system that keeps producing such desperation and destruction in such outrageous numbers. I do not hate the addict. I hate the addiction.
   Jamer left behind a legacy of creativity and good memories. Most people who remember him will do so with a smile on their face. Too many brilliant young minds have been taken away from us way too soon. He is already missed.