Tuesday 16 October 2012


We started recording last weekend at Kent's house. We managed to get the bed tracks for 16 songs down, and even started on some vocals! We'll go back and do the bass, and maybe some of Kent's solos, and of course the rest of the yelling. It went remarkably smooth. Recording is generally not my favourite thing to do. It always seems like it's a struggle to get the drums sounding just right, and everything feels like it takes forever. But last weekend was definitely an exception. The drum sound was figured out relatively quickly, and everyone was so relaxed, it was actually fun. I never thought I'd say that about recording. I don't know yet which or how many songs are going to be on the record, but we'll get it all figured out. We have a show or two coming up, but I'll get the details out once we know for sure. See ya later, fuckers.