Friday, 2 November 2012


I just wanted to add some relevant points Chairman Bob Avakian makes about reactionaries who have made a career out of writing about " totalitarianism", whatever the fuck that means, even decades after they continue to crow about "communism" being dead. If you won, and if it really is dead, congratulations, and shut the fuck up. The reality is, that this system will continuously provoke outrage both home and abroad, and people will be trying to find a way out from under their boots, bayonets, ignorance and starvation. Here we go.

Now I want to say a few things in this context about totalitarianism. Just as an aside here, I find it very interesting that you can read innumerable books delving deeply into the psyche of Stalin or Lenin or Mao—“What went on in the deranged minds of these people [laughter] that led them to think they could remake the world in their maddened image [laughter] and led them, in the name of some greater moral good, to bring great catastrophe on the humanity that they were affecting?” I don’t know how many books I’ve seen like that. I have never yet seen—maybe there are some, but I have never seen—a study of the deranged psyche of Thomas Jefferson [laughter] or George Washington: “How is it that a person could come to believe in their own mind [laughter] that they were benefiting not only humanity in general, but other human beings whom they owned? [laughter] What depth of psychological derangement must be involved in that? [laughter] What is more totalitarian than actually owning other human beings?”
Or what about the study of the depths of the depraved minds of Lyndon Johnson or Ronald Reagan [laughter], who murdered millions of people, including vast numbers of children? “What must have gone wrong, somewhere in their childhood or somewhere else in their lives? [laughter] What demented ideas must they somehow have internalized that led them to believe that in the name of the shining city on the hill, or whatever [laughter], they had the right and the obligation to slaughter thousands and millions of innocent people?”
-"Three Alternative Worlds", from a talk by Chairman Bob Avakian.