Tuesday 1 January 2013


New Year's Eve celebrations and people making fake-ass resolutions that they are maybe going to keep for a month are stupid and meaningless. I just hope that this year has a lot less sad, unfortunate young deaths than 2012 had. Such things are totally out of our control (for the most part), but we can do our best to reach out to those friends (and others), who are in obvious distress. Too often we just say " He/she'll get over it", and walk away, only to feel guilty when something actually does happen.
   I also hope that the Revolutionaries in various countries continue to make inroads and advances against this hideous hellbeast called capitalism/imperialim, on top of which all of these twisted social relations between the people arise and thrive. Yes, I support various parties and groups who might actually be antagonistic towards each other, but that's the way it is. Fuck it. Let our actions and the way people respond to us be the basis for any judgement levelled aginst us. Fuck the internet "parties" and keyboard warriors. They can fucking rot and fester in cyberspace. Pathetic ignorant haters that they are.
  AK-47 will be releasing recorded product this year, and we are looking forward to what usually ends up being the craziest and most energetic show of the year, the Jay Brown Memorial Hospice Benefit, this year being held on  Saturday, January the 26th at (where else?), Logan's. We look forward to seeing you all there. Much love, motherfuckers.