Thursday 17 January 2013


Here I'm going to repost something that I just put up today. It is part of a statement by the Revolutionary Communist Party/ Parti Communiste Revolutionnaire, concerning kkkanada's history, and the way things stand today, with regard First Nations people. To reiterate: Blockades and other inconveniences for white people are fucking NOTHING, when compared to the intentional genocide and land theft that the european settler colonialists perpretrated on the people ALREADY LIVING HERE!!! Columbus didn't fucking discover anything. That motherfucker had his fucking head up his asshole, and only looked upon the Native people as meek and humble, and that they would make good slaves. Fuck him, fuck thanksgiving, and fuck columbus day.
    Canada, A Prison for the First Nations
- Excerpt from the Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP)
Canada, as the other states born of European colonialism in America, was built on violence, exploitation and oppression towards the First Nations. Before the arrival of the white man in Canada, more than a million Natives lived on these lands. The arrival of the French and the English, who brought war and disease, took its toll on the Native populations killing most of them. In some cases, 80%, 90% and even 95% of some Native communities perished. The Natives needed many centuries (up until now in fact) to rebuild their populations back to their original size.
Nowadays, their situation is still very precarious. Their living conditions leave them with poverty and misery. Their life expectancy is eight years lower than that of the average Canadian. Twice as many children die, as compared to the rest of the Canadian population. Their youth are seven times more likely to commit suicide. In most regions, their level of unemployment is three, even four times higher than the Canadian average.