Tuesday 19 February 2013


Here are just a few statistics about Aboriginal incarceration rates vs. percentage of the population.

Aboriginal Adults (2005-2006)
    (for all provinces, see page 22 of this StatsCan Report)
And for those idiots who still want to use stupid expressions like  "canadians are like this", or "canadians don't want that", keep in mind, that kkkandians are just as divided as the populations of other countries over the questions of racism, the fucking keystone oil pipeline, and other political/social questions. Stephen asshole harper and gordon fucking campbell are kkkanadians. Mining companies going all over the earth to steal resources and destroy the environments of Indigenous people are fucking kkkanadian also. There are troops in Afghanistan from this country helping to kill civilians also. Robert pickton is also kkkanadian. Break out of your fucking national delusion.