Monday 20 May 2013


I went to another Rat's Nest show last night. It was far crazier than the last one I went to, but this one had old punks' kids causing a lot of the shit. Fights, a knife was pulled on someone, and all sorts of other crap. But the quote of the night (at least for me), was when someone I've known for many years comes up to me and says, "I've been on (insert name of drug here) for 15 years. You guys were right all along, drugs do suck. I used to think you were full of shit, but you were right". It was kind of funny, but true at the same time. Drugs suck. And judging by the behaviour of many folks there last night, alcohol sucks too, only they don't realize it yet. Too much of it kind of makes you do dumb shit. Not judging, just observing.
  I got to see yet another Murray side project in the form of Hearts Of Stone, who seemed to be more of a blues-influenced type of slow sludgey rock. I normally don't go for that stuff, but they did it well, and yes, I stayed for their entire set. AWT were fucking on their game, and had enough energy for everyone else there. The Fuck You Pigs got their message across, and now have Schwam on vocals. They were also fucking great. Dangler then played, followed by the Dayglos. Yes, it was a Murray triple shot. The crazy motherfucker has still got it. I got to see the Dayglos at the Rat's Nest one last time. It all just seems to make sense. It would have been nice to play there, but the timing couldn't have been worse for us. Come see us on June 1st at Logan's with Car 87. It'll be fun. I promise.