Saturday 25 May 2013


Last night's show at The Rat's Nest was the last one I will ever be attending there. They will be having at least one more (tonight), but last night was my farewell to the ol' stinkhole. 
  As I mentioned in a previous post, it was the first place I ever played live, and also the main venue where I learned to have  a good time not drinking, even when everyone around me was fucked up. And that is why it will always have a place in my heart. After May is done, nothing will remain of the place but the memories, and we'll just be another group of sad old bastards reminiscing about the "good old days". Fuck.
  Budokan, The Abbie Hoffman Society, The Remanes, and The Hoosegow were the bands last night. There was no hassle, and it was refreshing to hear the melodic sounds of pop/rock outfit Budokan gracing the Nest. We played with The Abbie Hoffman Society with No Means No, and they were fun yet again last night. The Remanes were quirky and talented, and The Hoosegow were back together just to play this show, and they were fucking amazing. I had to leave before they were done, as I needed to get the three hours sleep I ended up getting due to a minor inconvenience called work. I want them to stay together, although I doubt they will just because I want them to. 
  It was totally worth it, even though I hope I'm never in that close of proximity to cigarette (and other ) smoke ever again. Good bye.