Friday 19 July 2013


We live in an age where terms like "democracy", "totalitarianism", and "terrorist" are used as easily as it is to ease our white liberal guilt by recycling. And many of us actually think we are "saving the planet"! Fucking awesome.
   The smug motherfuckers who use these "political" terms are about as informed about the world as anyone living in North Korea, and possibly even less so. Those words are as weightless and without substance as the people's heads who use them. We end up living in a fascist state without knowing it. Dissidents are seen as troublemakers, bums, youth going through a phase, etc. etc.
Anyone who questions anything differing from the prevailing official world view is a wacko or terrorist.Well-fed soldiers armed with high-tech equipment sent to Third World countries to kill half-starved guerrillas are "heroes", to be thanked by the grovelling masses for maintaining our level of convenience at the expense of those living in dirt and disease thousands of miles away.
  How the fuck does that fucking work? If those soldiers hadn't gone to Afghanistan, would kkkanada actually be threatened? Or is this country under a larger threat because the troops are there? Help kkkanadian mining companies extract their superprofits, so I can be fucking grateful.
Welcome to idiotville, population, you. Try not to think, and you'll get along just fine.