Monday 2 September 2013


There will always be the political vs. non-political people involved in the punk rock/hardcore scene. Personally, I've usually found the political punks way too overbearing in their approach, and the overwhelming majority of them burn out and fade away long before they're thirty. Besides, their brand of politics is basically liberal garbage dressed up in radical slogans. Yawn. On the other hand, the anti-politics crew are just a bunch of douchebag fratboy types who just happen to listen to way better music. On the surface they might come off as anti-authoritarian, but what's the difference between them and the juiced-up jock in the way they view women? Or fucking beer drinking, or video games, or any other bullshit they're into. Same shit, different music. And yet, there are some braindead assholes who feel the need to criticize those of us who prefer to put some thought into our music and lyrics, and who actually don't want to be on the fucking lame-ass warp tour. Regardless of how "badass" these idiots think they are, they are only upholding the rotting status quo. Beer commercials are for morons. George fucking w. did coke. You are no different than cops and nickelback. Don't judge me, idiot.