Sunday 15 September 2013


There are many people caught outside the margins of society, who have no hope for anything within this system except for some vague hope of "help" from some condescending social worker, or other professional type. Now I want to say that not every social worker is like that, but sadly, the way they are trained through their lame watered down definitions of what constitutes "oppression", is mostly just mental masturbation, giving truth to the stereotype of being a "pc fascist". Most of these motherfuckers have just as much stake in saving the system, or at least keeping it intact, save for some minor cosmetic changes, as any fucking politician or business person.
  The truth of the matter is, no matter who is in power, this shit has to go. No actual MEANINGFUL or fundamental change can come about until this predatorial, rapacious capitalist/imperialist system is gone. Disregarding their constant barrage of cold war propaganda, which people tend to repeat without asking for source verification or anything else with any depth, there have been societies in the past that have (almost) done away with various injustices, from misogyny, prostitution, rape, to feudalism, slavery, exploitation of working people, and even drug addiction. The fact that these gains were reversed in no way negates the historic achievements made during these times. This was not failure, but temporary defeat at the hands of international capital. People are still fighting against injustice, and they always will.
We need Revolution, Nothing Less.

Everything You've Been Told About Communism Is Wrong
We Have the Facts and We're Setting the Record Straight

September 16, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Do we have to accept this world as it is? With endless war, environmental catastrophe, the subordination and degradation of women, racism, and mindless consumerism.  Is capitalism the only and most optimal system for humanity?
The truth, the pervasively suppressed truth, is that the socialist revolutions of the Soviet Union (1917-56) and China (1949-76) opened new and unprecedented possibilities for human emancipation. You don't know that because you have been lied to about communism and revolution. Through high-profile "memoirs" that recite tales of suffering and persecution...through supposedly scholarly works about the Cultural Revolution or Stalin...and through hall-of-mirrors repetition, where everyone says "what everyone knows" about communism—but really does NOT know!  
If you yearn for a far better world, and care about critical thinking and historical truth, then you need to visit the Setting the Record Straight on Socialism and Communism page at This is where you can learn about the great breakthroughs, as well as the serious shortcomings and problems, of the first wave of communist revolutions. This is where you can become part of and help spread the debate about human possibility.