Thursday 20 February 2014


The people of the Ukraine are fucked no matter what they decide to do. They could stay the course with russia, with all of the stagnation that that road entails, or they could go with the european union, and get totally get fucked over with privatization. The only thing the rich countries of the e.u. care about is getting richer at the expense of the less well off countries. And anytime the west or the u.s.a. are in favour of anything, step carefully. Those snakes care about nothing but themselves, despite all of the hollow rhetoric they are constantly spewing. And so far the e.u. have offered nothing at all. People are just so disillusioned with what's been going on so far, and are ready to unquestioningly believe the bullshit coming from the west.
   And that leads me to my next (very short) point. One of Ukraine's athletes, participating in that stupid distraction called the olympics, has today decided to not compete any more. The reason, she says, is that she can't focus while people in her country are going through such turmoil, fighting and dying. That's totally understandable. But it's when she said that it was horrible, what her government was doing, now that the olympics were on, and the whole world was at peace....Now hold on, you fucking idiot. Since when is the world at peace just because of the stupid fucking olympics?!!! Occupied Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Colombia, India, The Philippines......where is the fucking peace? The sweatshops are still operating, the imperialists are still raping, killing and stealing everything they can, children are dying of preventable diseases and hunger, the war on women and poor people is going full tilt in the u.s.a., with druglords trying to keep up with the demand in the richest country on earth, so where is the fucking peace? Get your head out of your fucking ass.