Monday 3 February 2014


There is a country that locks people up without a trial, sometimes indefinitely, and without access to a lawyer, when the only possible "crime" they committed is that they are anti-regime. This same country threatens other countries who don't agree with their policies, and will follow through on these same threats. They kill, and will continue to kill even their own citizens, no matter where they are in the world, if this person is anti-government. Is this country Iran or North Korea? Sure, if you listen to the constant barrage of western bullshit and rhetoric. But it's the u.s.a. who not only do all of this, they have the means of forcing other countries to follow their line of thinking and submit, or else.... Watch this documentary . You may have many preconceieved notions when it comes to them, but this shit hits it right on the head. Watch, you fool, watch.