Wednesday 28 May 2014


Some of the most brilliant people I've ever known, have a formal education that can be described as minimal, at best. People who disregard societal conventions when they get in their way, and have some of the most creative minds imaginable. At the same time, some of the most stilted, petty, one dimensional and mediocre people I've ever met, have their degrees in some stupid shit like social work, and have always been afraid to colour outside of the lines, or to get one hour's worth of detention. These are people who have had to learn their critical thinking from a fucking textbook. They talk about "oppression", but when it comes to people actually picking up arms to physically end their very real oppression, there is no support. In fact, revolution might be deemed "inappropriate". They wouldn't and couldn't understand the difference between what's legal, and what's right. Where would they have been in 1940's germany, 60s, 70s, and 80s south africa, or north amerikkka today? Following the fucking rules.
   This petty mindset drives me fucking crazy, and there are days when it seems to be all around me, at least in the workplace. These morons' highest aspiration is to become some sadass little government drone, either shuffling papers, or shuffling kids from one foster home to another.
  Yes, this is basically me venting, but it makes me glad to be the person I am, and to know the people I do. Good day.