Saturday 13 September 2014


Killer kkkops seem to get away with a lot of shit in the land of freedom and democracy, which also happens to be the country with the highest rates of incarceration in the entire world....

Day 35—And Still the Killer Cop Walks Free

It took Darren Wilson 30 seconds to pump 6 shots into Michael Brown. It should not take any longer than that to indict him. Yet still the process drags out. 
This is “letting the system work.” Which really means letting them wear you down, tire you out, slander Mike Brown over and over again, and put bullshit stories into the air to confuse people? There are more than enough witnesses to indict this pig. All they’re really saying is that they don’t count because they’re Black. 
If the process had been reversed—if Michael Brown had somehow been able to shoot Darren Wilson 6 times, Michael Brown would never have survived. And if somehow he had survived, he’d be in jail with no bail. So if “this is how the system works,” then it works one way for the pigs and another for the people.
And don’t tell us that “there’s a different standard for police.” Yes, we know that all too well—the standard is that they can commit these crimes with impunity, without being punished. In the new society, after the revolution, the people’s security forces would sooner risk their own lives than kill somebody from the masses. THAT should be the standard.
If this is how the system works, and it is, then that’s one more reason why we need a revolution to get rid of this system! Because a system that works to enable the police to go on killing Black and Latino people with impunity, along with all its other great crimes, must be gotten rid of.

And also, read this!!!

We Stand With the Defiant Ones

August 18, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


We Stand With the Defiant Ones

We stand with the defiant ones.  We stand with the angry ones, the rebellious ones, the ones who will not take it, the ones who tell the truth—and the ones they lie about.  Without defiance, without rage, without righteous rebellion, without people insisting on their rights and defending those rights in the street—very few people would even know about Michael Brown and how he was shot over and over with his hands up, murdered by pigs and then left to lie there in the streets, as if he were an animal.  Very few people would have shared the grief of his parents for the terrible loss of this young man, at the very beginning of his life.  Without the rebellion, this terrible state-done murder would just be another rerun of the same old all-too-familiar story, the same murderous stuff that happens to Black and Latino youth over and over again. 
But because of the defiance and rebellion, the whole world knows the story.  Now everybody has to deal with this.  And people all over the country and all over the world support this fight.  You, the defiant ones, are changing the thinking of millions and millions of people... you are calling out to everyone NOT TO TAKE IT... you are making history—in the way it badly needs to be made.
So, yes we stand with the defiant ones—and we will defend them and stand with them in deed as well as word.
But now the authorities bring in the National Guard.  This just shows how SCARED those on top are of the people that they oppress and dog, from day one down to today...  The National Guard is just another part of their whole ILLEGITIMATE use of force and violence against people expressing their rights.  And any illegal, unconstitutional and illegitimate actions of the National Guard can—and must—be defied too.  The people’s righteous demands have not been met: this cop, this murdering pig, must be charged and taken into custody.  NOW!  This pig chief must be fired.  And right now, the people must be allowed to stay in the streets and express themselves in no uncertain terms. 
Sunday night, as the tear gas hung in the air and the time ticked down to the midnight curfew, a woman stepped up and started calling out to people: “No Justice! No Curfew!” In response to the call to “go home and get some rest” she said—“Michael Brown can’t get no rest, he can’t go home. We’re not going home!”  This is the spirit of Ferguson—this is the spirit we need to support and spread.
To everyone who really wants liberation, who wants a better day for our youth—don’t let them tamp this down.  To the “leaders” who attack the angry ones and tell us to trust in the system—NO.  If you can’t do any better than that, get out of the way. 
And to any so-called militants who shamefully take up the role of the police and decide who can protest and when, who attack and slander the “agitators” and the communists as “provocateurs,” you need to cut that COINTELPRO shit out and if you can’t stand with the people when they stand up...then just get on home.
Stand together and demand REAL JUSTICE!!  The time is NOW!