Monday 22 December 2014


The Orange Krush, Angry Snowmans show on Saturday night at Logan's was fucking excellent. Just two bands that night, but it couldn't have been better.
   Orange Krush just did it up perfectly, with their no-nonsense style of sometimes melodic, sometimes not, punk rock and hardcore. The dual guitar lines at times reminded me of Thin Lizzy, which made me very happy, and Mambo's still got his golden voice. I can't wait to see them again and again.
   I think I was grinning like an idiot for the entire Angry Snowmans set. Their reworking of old punk rock classics into Christmas songs is just fucking amazing. I LOVED that they started with "White Riot" by the Clash, that got turned into "White Lights". Some of my other favourites were "I Was So Festive", instead of "Wasted", and "Hanukkah", done to the tune of "Amoeba" by the Adolescents.
   If you missed it this year, I feel sorry for you. The place was packed, and it's always a great way to end the year. Next time, right? Right.