Saturday 21 March 2015


The asshole  harper  government yesterday announced plans to build a 5 million dollar monstrosity for all of the "victims of communism" beside the supreme court building in fucking ottawa. How the fuck much sense does this make? Why the stupid cold war rhetoric now? How about a monument to the victims who went through the residential school system in this fucking country, or a monument honouring the reservations system, which south fucking africa used to model their apartheid system on? How about giving the 5 fucking million to the food banks and homeless shelters in the area, for all of the victims of capitalism? Or giving it to the veterans who come back all fucked up from defending the  kkkanadian oil companies 750 million dollars worth of interests in Iraq, or better yet, to the Iraqi civilians whose country the kkkanadian troops are helping to destroy on behalf of capitalists' interests? And so far all of the spineless politicians are afraid to totally speak out against this incredibly arrogant, blind, and just plain fucking stupid project. Fuck harper, and all of the pathetic politicians.