Thursday 31 December 2015


There is a Marxist-Leninist organization in turkey called the DHKP/C. The name basically translates into the "People's Front" in english. Mainstream media in both the western "democracies" and in turkey regularly denounce this group as a "terrorist" organization that is totally alienated from the people. Of course this is a lie. I realized this a couple of years ago when I saw pictures of MayDay demonstrations in turkey, where there were many people waving DHKP/C banners and flags. And not just bomb throwing youth, but average citizens.
   Now, I am not a die hard supporter of this organization, but I appreciate the way they work, and the support they receive from the people. This is a short documentary on how they are fighting gentrification, and how crooked people from speculators to the bloodstained government are all in on pushing the poor people out of their neighbourhoods so assholes can get rich. Lives and communities are being destroyed for profit.
Watch this inspirational documentary .