It looks like the voice in favour of the legalization of rape, douche valizadeh, wants people who support his group to have a public meeting in good old victoria. They recently had to cancel this shit in the U.K., because he "couldn't guarantee the safety of the meetings". Why would he need to guarantee the safety of a bunch of manly men ? It doesn't make sense. He excludes gay men, and refers to women as "the enemy". In fact, isn't it odd that he excludes gays, yet only wants to hang out with macho men, and hates women? It's just sad that some "people" fall for this bullshit. Are you really pro-rape? What if it's your mother or sister, or grandmother? Is that okay? Fucking morons. The meeting is supposed to be this Saturday evening at the legislature ( you know, the building where all the lowlifes hang out), and I hope those idiots run scared like their buddies in other countries. They can all fuck off. And now, here's a quote that I love, from when Enver Hoxha was in power in Albania.....