Wednesday 13 April 2016


The imperialist rats would have us frame the current world situation as a case of the enlightened west ( being "us" ) vs. the backward masses of the Arab world ( being "them" ). This is, of course, total bullshit. There are many morons in both the u.s. and kkkanada who would love to have a "christian" version of sharia law in north amerikkka. Witness all of the recent anti-gay discriminatory laws passed in mississippi and north carolina.
   And the other side of this hypocritical crap is, that the western powers in many cases have funded and armed these jihadi groups in the first place. isis would not be what it is today without u.s. support, at least in the beginning. So  fuck amerikkka and isis. Read this.

Three Reasons Fundamentalist Islamic Jihad Is NOT Radical—and Is DEFINITELY NOT a Real Answer to Oppression

April 11, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |

Bringing Forward Another Way
Bringing Forward Another Way is an edited version of a talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, to a group of Party supporters, in 2006. It is must reading for a serious understanding of what the U.S. "war on terror" is really about and how to bring forward a positive force in the world in opposition to both Western imperialism and Islamic Jihad.
This imperialist world is a nightmare for humanity. The world doesn't need to be this way, but fundamentalist Islamic jihad is NOT an answer to this oppression. And it is NOT “radical.” “Radical” means getting to the root of the problem.
Look at just a few recent examples.
One: Humanity needs science. Science makes it possible to understand nature and society and the ways things can change. In this imperialist world, science and truth get distorted and twisted, reduced to what is useful in the mad drive for profit. When ideas and discoveries come forward that challenge the legitimacy of the rule of capital or would get in the way of how capitalism functions, these ideas and the people putting them forward get marginalized, mocked, and suppressed, even violently at times.
What is fundamentalist Islamic jihad's “answer” to this need for humanity to scientifically know the world?
In the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on April 6 of this year, Mohammad Nazim Uddin, a law student who frequently posted his atheist views on social media, was publicly attacked and murdered by men who, according to witnesses, shouted “Allah is great!” as they rode off. At least four others have been murdered like this. Just for voicing their ideas. Last year a leader of an Al Qaeda group posted a video on Facebook taking responsibility for two of these murders, calling the victims “blasphemers.” Fundamentalist Islamic jihad insists on, and enforces with violence and law when they can, fundamentalist Islam as their brand of ignorance, superstition and dark ages mentality. They fear the unfettered search for the truth.
What is radical about this? How does this contribute to the emancipation of humanity? It does not—it is just another force crushing people’s ability to understand the world around them.
Two: The imperialist system is a world of horror, including because the half of humanity that is female is, in thousands of ways, reduced to breeders; playthings; punching bags; objects to be exploited, raped, owned, demeaned, and worse. Just this past week in the U.S., more restrictions on the rights of women to abortion and birth control were passed and signed into law—forcing even more women to have children against their will, a form of female enslavement.
What is the “answer” to this from fundamentalist Islamic jihad?
This past week two Nigerian women, one 25, the other 15, told their stories of being raped nearly every day for seven months by jihadists of the group Boko Haram, which has kidnapped and enslaved nearly 2,000 women and girls. Later this week it came out that Boko Haram was also forcing young women to be suicide bombers to mass murder civilians going to market or getting food supplies.
Mass rape, sexual slavery and medieval patriarchy are core Islamic fundamentalist jihadist principles—enslaving, NOT EMANCIPATING half of humanity.
No to the US, No to fundamentalist Islamic jihad
Three: Everywhere you turn in this imperialist world, one country, nationality, religion, or “race” is oppressing another.
What is the “answer” to this from fundamentalist Islamic jihad?
On April 7, during a raid near Damascus, Syria, ISIS kidnapped hundreds of workers at a cement factory. They publicly murdered those who were Druze—followers of a different religion.
What is radical about this? How does this contribute to oppressed people coming together to throw off the divisions this system imposes and emancipate humanity? It does NOT. Fundamentalist Islamic jihad insists on, with murderous violence, religiously “justified” ethnic cleansing, fanning the flames of divisions that serve oppression.
Fundamentalist Islamic jihad is not in any way an answer to the madness of imperialism. It does not and cannot contribute in any way to humanity getting free of the long night of societies divided into masters and slaves, oppressor and oppressed nations, exploiters and exploited, shrouded in ignorance and superstition. These so-called “radicals” are nothing but wanna-be exploiters and oppressors—small-time slavers fighting to get in on the plunder, not to end it—and using horrific oppression all dressed up with religious mystification to cover it over.
NO ONE should want any of this.
There is something else that actually is a radical alternative, another way this world could be—through an ACTUAL REVOLUTION—COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. This answer is found right here.