Sunday 2 April 2017


I went to this show last night and had a fantastic time. " How is that possible ?" you might well ask, what with the totally anti-pc rhetoric coming out of the Keg Killers' songs. It's like this, see.....If you actually know the band, they are some of the nicest guys you will ever meet. And if you're offended by them, that means they've done their job. Personally, I've never done the punk rock as shock value thing, but there has to be variety. And here it is. Plus, their music is decent mid-tempo rock and roll. Yes, I bought their CD. 

The Shit Talkers from Vancouver are not my thing, but I understand why people like them. Sometimes noisy, sometimes tuneful, with a great drummer.

Total Shit are quite probably my favourite local band. Loud, thrashy punk/hardcore with some social/political lyrics. Short angry songs. Fuck yes.

Great turnout, great people, great sandwich. It's nice to see the local scene get so much enthusiastic support.

Good day, and see you at the next show. Maybe.