Monday 1 October 2018


Image result for chris hedges empire of illusion

I recently finished reading this book by Chris Hedges, where he talks about how no one give a shit about learning the truth these days, and a small minority actually read books. This is a reality show/tabloid culture, and people will accept anything those fuckfaces at fox news throw at them . My one complaint about this book is when Mr. Hedges goes into an "america has lost it's way " sidetrack , when I believe that not only has america NOT lost it's way, it has always been on this road to attempting the complete domination and exploitation of the entire world. Still, this is definitely worth reading. Please do.
Image result for chris hedges empire of illusion

Image result for the deserter's tale

I am currently reading this eye opener of a book. This shit is intense. If you think you know about the brutality being inflicted on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan by the u.s. military , read this for a horrendous first hand account of the "wars" over there. Not to mention the punishment the military rains down on their own trained killers. I cannot put this down. Get it. Read it. Thank you and good day.