Tuesday 1 January 2019


The writer of the following letter brings up some good points about how a city can be two things at once. Historic, beautiful, lively, and a living hell for others. I have often wondered how the fuck Vancouver gets voted one of north america's most livable cities ?! Do they just happen to overlook the homelessness, drug addiction, and unaffordable rents ? Read please.

November 2018

A Tale of Two Cities, and the Need for Revolution

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I want you to get to know, and to donate generously to the Revolution Club, Chicago, the “Rev Club Chi.” I had the pleasure and the honor to meet them and to do some revolutionary work with them on a recent trip to Chicago.
I love Chicago. It is my birthplace. It is a majestic city. Pristine. Amazing culture; incredible, historic architecture; international diversity; splendid lakefront beaches and barbecue ribs to die for!
But, spread bare within this city, is another city. South Side; West Side; ghettos where I got my start, way south of the city and these are hidden from view. Where the jobs have all left; where the housing is dilapidated and buildings are left to rot. Where the people are hopeless and have no future. Where the heartbreaking murder rate has captured national and international attention. The Chicago pigs harass and shoot down Black and Brown people with impunity; where the recent conviction of a murdering cop of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald was the first in half a century. This is the Chicago that represents the massive oppression and slow genocide of an entire population of people. Poor people, the youth, people of color. This other Chicago is a symbol of the savagery of this entire system of capitalism and imperialism now marching steadfast towards fascism.
The Rev Club Chi is organizing for an actual revolution. It is always on the move leading people to stand up against the brutality brought down by this system and to become part of working now to bring forward millions for revolution. It brings to the people, particularly to the youth, the understanding of why they are in the situation they are in and what it will take to get up and to get free. They introduce to the youth the compelling argument that their lives can have a transformative meaning. A direction away from killing each other and fighting over scraps of what this system throws out to them, to fighting for all of humanity. They introduce the work and the writings of Bob Avakian, the chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party. When members of the community engage in this work, they frequently become inspired by the possibility that they can become a salient part of working towards a whole new world.
My partner and I visited the Rev Club Chi storefront in the heart of the South Side. It is a no frills space that they have turned into a welcoming gathering spot, to teach about revolutionary theory; to show movies about the work of Bob Avakian; to organize protests and teach-ins. They engage the neighborhood with vibrant block parties. People are drawn to the center to debate the big issues of the day and to grieve the devastating losses as people are murdered all around them.
We spent time in the center with activists in the group and spoke with veterans of the movement as well as recent members. We worked with the group in an action while we were there to protest the murders in Chicago and the disparity of the resources between the North Side of the city and the West and South Sides. We joined the organizers of this march and we shut down a busy portion of Lake Shore Drive at rush hour and marched to Wrigley Field and shut down the streets leading to the stadium during a Cubs game! The Rev Club Chi led chants speaking to the danger of this moment and which indicted the system of capitalism and imperialism and not the people, which is such a part of the mainstream narrative. They were energetic, inspiring! “What’s the problem? The whole damn system! What’s the solution? Revolution!” No holding back! Confident! Passionate and resounding! They commanded a major presence to the crowd as the march progressed.
This group has put their bodies on the line in the streets of Chicago. They have been targeted by the police for just wearing Revolution T-shirts. They have been arrested for chanting and getting out materials about revolution. They have been brutalized by the police and have trumped up charges against them. Yet, they keep on fighting. They bring stunning insights about working in these neighborhoods and what is needed to build forces for this movement. They are a constant contributor to the Revolution newspaper.
This is a dangerous moment in our history where there is a limited time to stop Trump and his fascist cronies. Even if you are not ready to sign up as a revolutionary activist, please support those who are willing to stand up against the onslaught of bigotry; xenophobia; homophobia; trans phobia; patriarchy and slow genocide of people of color which may quickly turn into a fast genocide.
I am a psychiatrist working in a university setting as well as my private practice. I have recently donated $2,000 to Rev Club Chi but they need much more. They are in huge debt with all of the expenses that they incur. We need your urgent and generous donation. The Rev Club Chi will use every cent you donate to this fight to transform the people and to bring about a new world. To donate, go to www.gofundme.com/revolutionsummerchicagofund.
Thanks in advance for stepping up!
A Medical Professional