Sunday 20 October 2019


Arriving at the show last night around 8:30 , I thought it was going to be a dead night. There was almost no one there even though there was a daytime show also, and the people who were there didn't seem too interested in what was going on onstage.

Well I suppose with an all day event like this there are bound to be some ebbs and flows in crowd traffic, which is no reflection on whatever bands happen to be playing. The venue is just not going to stay packed all day . 

That being said, it ended up being a killer night, with excellent crowd enthusiasm and great playing from the bands. I was interested in seeing Mass Distraction, another band that Hoon is in, and even though their drummer quit very recently, the one they had last night who had only practiced three times with them (!) , pulled it off perfectly competently. Crusty heavy anarcho punk/thrash . Get into it.
Safe Decisions rocked the place with their fast tight melodic sound , we played next and it was so much fun, and then The Gnar Gnars got the place crazy . It helped that they were wearing their 80s hair band Halloween costumes. Good times to be sure .
SonDoobiest closed off the night with some smooth flowing hip-hop , making for a varied and fantastic evening . Unfortunately, most of the crowd had left by then, but he was into it just the same.
If you weren't there, you shoulda been .
Good day to you.