Wednesday, 15 January 2020


Everyone involved in the Victoria punk/skate scene knows that we've lost too many people too young .
Dave Del Castillo ( known as Dave Knight back in the day ) has just left us, and he was one of the larger personalities involved in all things punk and skate.
Always ready with a one-liner or insight into what was going on at any given moment, the scene here tends to attract the brightest and sometimes loudest to it's environment, and Dave fit that description perfectly. He was enthused about anything and everything he got into, from music to soccer and of course his family , he had a naturally beautiful singing voice , even though he could angrily belt it out when needed.
A loving family man through and through , I can't imagine what his wife and children are going through right now. Our thoughts are with them on this darkest of days.
As I say whenever something like this befalls us, be good to each other.
Take care.