Wednesday 30 December 2020


 I'm not a covid denier, but I have to admit that I'm baffled by the way the majority on the "left" have been so easily led into the hysteria surrounding coronavirus , which has led to the mega billionaires making billions more while the little guy gets fucked , lonely people are even more isolated than before leading to an increase in suicides and overdoses , and snitches are regaled as heroes for ratting out their neighbours to the cops for having family visits .

So called "critical thinkers" of the more liberal persuasion are accepting everything the government says about this, where previous to this they would have been questioning absolutely everything the powers that be would have to say on almost any topic. I'm not talking about "freedom" and "rights" like the inbred moron trumpites are talking about , I'm talking about asking questions and perhaps looking into what people like Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi have to say . It's frightening that people have been so easily manipulated by fear , and without even a second thought.