Wednesday 22 September 2021


 You will read the lies spread by the lying cowardly rats of the bourgeoisie , about terrorism , cultism, and every other garbage they can imagine in their foul distorted brains, and many people will believe them, because they are afraid of the truth about their putrid deathbound genocidal system. They are losing and will be defeated.

By Peru People’s Movement

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

“We have been very rightly taught by Chairman Mao Zedong that war has a quota, it is the basic principle of war that makes us see how the good of all necessarily demands the sacrifice of a part. In these eight years of the People’s War blood has been generously shed. Party leaders, cadres of the same and militants, combatants of the Popular Guerrilla Army and children of the masses who worked closely with us have given their lives and their blood, but never in these lands has it been so heroically and historically shed, never have these lands seen a blood so red as ours, of the revolutionaries and communists, has fructified to make the New Power bear fruit among us, but it has also generously fructified to illuminate the world, because that is what it is doing.

Many young lives have been cut off, but reaction dreams if they think they just took lives, it has been the heroic dedication, aware of the assumed cause that has led comrades, combatants and children of the people to reach the maximum expression that one can give to endorse what they believe in: to give their own life. They are heroic lives, well lived, gloriously invested and above all sealed on the battlefield by sowing communism.” -Speech by Chairman Gonzalo at the Inaugural Session of the First Congress of the PCP, 1988

To the international proletariat and the peoples of the world:

We communicate with immense emotion and deep pain, with our fists raised and singing songs of war and victory under the red flags with sickles and hammers raised to the top and firmly attached to the Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo and his almighty Thought, that Chairman Gonzalo has given his life for the unfading Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the Party and the people’s war in the highest luminous trench of combat at the Callao Naval Base, according to the reaction media yesterday, September 11, 2021, at 6:40AM.

In a statement from the reactionary government of the opportunist patrolman Pedro Castillo Terrones, the consummation of the physical liquidation of Chairman Gonzalo has been officially announced.

The opportunist patrol that presides over the reactionary government, together with its ministers, parliamentarians, representatives of imperialism and civil, military and religious reaction with the chorus of the media outlets with deep reactionary class hatred, after consummating the sinister reactionary plan of physical annihilation of Chairman Gonzalo, they have covered Chairman Gonzalo with all kinds of insults, accusing him of committing the “worst genocide,” “the most cruel terrorist,” pointing out, using his own words, that now we have to do is “destroy Gonzalo Thought.” But Chairman Gonzalo giving his own life has definitively condemned the CIA-Yankee-Peruvian reaction-right opportunist line plan to failure.

And, with this, the reactionary government headed by opportunism has removed all fickle disguise to cover itself from the greatest genocidal infamy and counterrevolutionary disgrace, which all its predecessors refused to assume, emulating its master, the fascist, genocidal and vengeful Fujimori.

It has been almost 29 years of Chairman Gonzalo’s heroic struggle in defense of the revolution and his life against the reaction’s plan to annihilate him to give a final blow to the people’s war and the Peruvian revolution and the world revolution.

With the sacrifice of his own life Chairman Gonzalo has derailed the CIA-Yankee reaction-right opportunist line’s plan to destroy him as Head of the Party and the revolution, as the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist on the face of the Earth, seeking to slander him as a revisionist and capitulator, as a renegade of Maoism, the People’s War, and the PCP. This monstrous and infamous crime against the most important revolutionary prisoner of war in the world as part of the genocide against the Peruvian people has been carried out by government mandate of the counterrevolutionary patrolman Pedro Castillo Terrones. The reactionary plan applied for about 29 years always crashed against the unbending and unrelenting fierce resistance of the great proletarian leader, a great communist, who became a prisoner of war of the old Peruvian state who transformed the concentration camp of the Callao Naval Base into the highest luminous trench of combat.

Chairman Gonzalo, like the communists, combatants, children of the masses during the more than 41 years of people’s war in Peru, wielding ideology, courage, and heroism boldly displayed in flaming warfare defiance, gaving his life for the people’s war.

Chairman Gonzalo has conquered a great political, military and moral victory for Maoism, the Communist Party of Peru, the people’s war, the democratic revolution in uninterrupted march towards socialism and communism, the class, the Peruvian people and the peoples of the world, for the international communist movement. September 11 will be remembered by all communists on Earth for this great historical significance of universal scope.

We are sure that the communists, revolutionaries and peoples of the world will mobilize highlighting this great act of giving the life of Chairman Gonzalo in a bold and flaming warlike challenge for the people’s war to culminate with the seizure of power throughout the country and move immediately to develop the socialist revolution and through successive cultural revolutions, always with people’s war, enter with all humanity the always golden communism. As he said to his captors, symbolically pointing to his forehead: “They are late! That is already here!” Chairman Gonzalo like Marx, Lenin and Chairman Mao, as well as the heroes of history continue to win battles and serve the revolution. The proletariat and the peoples of the world always keep them deserved great respect and obligation: to continue the task in which they were engaged. For us, all the more reason to persist in the people’s war to end the three mountains that oppress the Peruvian people and go immediately to the other stage of the revolution.

The heroic death of Chairman Gonzalo should serve to give a more powerful impetus to the still pending task of overcoming the complex and difficult situation in which the people’s war entered after his arrest and mainly due to the betrayal of the rats of the right opportunist line, who are revisionist and capitulationist. It was structured in prisons with the help of the Yankee CIA and the Peruvian reaction, led by the rat Miriam. The right opportunist line, which called for an end to the people’s war, that is, to betray the people’s war, to deny Chairman Gonzalo and Maoism and Gonzalo Thought, the Basis of Party Unity approved in the First Congress of the PCP, all in exchange for better prison conditions and serve the plans of imperialism and the reaction to destroy the Party Headquarters and Gonzalo Thought, serving the absolute and perpetual isolation of the Chairman. First repeating the reactionary hoax of the “peace letters and talks,” then “asking for a political solution to the problems derived from the war,” in other words amnesty, and then mounting the revisionist grotesque movement for the defense of fundamental rights and amnesty, to try to legalize and participate in the reactionary elections like Movadef and also since 2012 to crawl behind the counterrevolutionary patrolman Pedro Castillo Terrones to seek to capture the Sutep Struggle Committee, which they achieved in the teachers’ strike of 2017, to which they betrayed in the service of the employer (the Old State). Continuing their black path of service to the old state, they became part of the opportunist partisan Peru Libre, when he said of his own cabinet: that it was “a shock cabinet”, that is to say of transition. The same, we can say, of the vote of confidence of the parliament of the “opposition” majority, of the visits of members of the Modavef to the ministries, of the requests of the rat Miriam with respect to Chairman Gonzalo, of the so-called “terruqueo” of representatives of the “opposition” and the monopoly of the press against members of the reactionary government and other representatives, that is, as a smokescreen to consummate the sinister plan.

We denounce: that the opportunist counterrevolutionary Pedro Castillo Terrones, upon assuming the presidency of the old Peruvian state, assumed the task of consummating the assassination against Chairman Gonzalo and announcing his death. Now, the reason for the first ministerial cabinet of that composition is better explained, with an overt and greater collusion between the factions and groups of the big bourgeoisie (government and the so-called “opposition”), thus, the words of Prime Minister Bellido are better explained, pawn of Cerrón de Perú Libre, when he said of his own cabinet: that it was “a shock cabinet,” that is to say, of transition. The same, we can say, of the vote of confidence of the parliament of the “opposition” majority, of the visits of members of the Modavef to the ministries, of the requests of the rat Miriam with respect to Chairman Gonzalo, of the so-called “terruqueo” of representatives of the “opposition” and of the monopoly of the press against members of the reactionary government and other representatives, that is, as a smokescreen to consummate the sinister plan.

Chairman Gonzalo, after his arrest led by the Yankee CIA, delivered his speech on September 24, 1992, which shines victorious and defiant before the world, and a weapon of combat for communists, combatants and the masses, calling for the continuation of the people’s war because we are communists in training and I emphasize that those who remain must and can continue the task to implement the agreements and development plans of the people’s war.

The second time he was able to express himself due to a slight carelessness of his guards, it was on the occasion of the opening of the new trial in November 2004, an oral trial that was frustrated, because Chairman Gonzalo agitated the slogans of Long live Maoism! The PCP! Long live the People’s War!

Chairman Gonzalo never recognized the authority of the reactionary judges and courts to judge him, he always presented himself as Head of the PCP and of the people’s war, therefore he never signed any request for amnesty or clemency to his enemies. He and the PCP never asked the authorities of the old landlord-bureaucratic state at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee, for his freedom.

The slogan that the PCP and MPP (as their generated body) have raised in the campaign from the first moments of their arrest, is: Defend the Headquarters of Chairman Gonzalo and the all-powerful Gonzalo Thought! Defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo!

The Party, in a tough two-line struggle in Peru and in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the International Communist Movement, clarified that it was not about defending anyone’s skin, but about defending the Chairman in his capacity as Head of the Party and the revolution. The rats of the right opportunist line have always tried to sow confusion in this regard to oppose the two united and inseparable campaigns, the campaign for Maoism and the campaign for Chairman Gonzalo because they are mortal enemies of Maoism, Chairman Gonzalo, Gonzalo Thought, the PCP and the people’s war.

Chairman Gonzalo, as he himself has taught, has paid the quota that the development of the people’s war requires, that the realization of the general reorganization of the Party demands by crushing the low-intensity counterrevolutionary war led by Yankee imperialism, the reaction counting on the service of the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line.

The Chairman as the great communist leader, uniting theory and practice, has fulfilled what he has taught: he has paid the quota, it is the basic principle of war that makes us see how the good of all necessarily demands the sacrifice of a part. The surrendering of his own life is a call to persist in the people’s war, his blood has been generously shed; he has given his life, his blood; this is how we have seen his blood how red is the blood of our Chairman, of the revolutionaries and the communists. That as he taught, he has fructified to make the New Power bear fruit among us, but he has also generously fructified to illuminate the world, because that is what he is doing. The Chairman has reached the maximum expression that one can give to endorse one’s believes: to give his own life.

Our commitment to give our lives to defend the Headquarters of Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful Gonzalo Thought, therefore, for continuing to develop the two combined and inseparable campaigns, that is, the campaign for Maoism and the campaign for the defense of Chairman Gonzalo, pointing against the new revisionism led by the rats of the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line.

We aim, against the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line in Peru, as the head of the new revisionism worldwide, which denies the semi-colonial and semi-feudal character of the Third World countries, saying that they have ceased to be so because of “neoliberalism” and that in Peru, also because of the People’s War, semi-feudal relations were destroyed and Peru became a dependent capitalist and “that the current struggle is for democratic rights, a new constitution and sovereignty,” these renegades deny what is established by Maoism and Gonzalo Thought, which while not bring the democratic revolution to completion with the seizure of power throughout the country the domination of imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudality will not have been destroyed. In Peru, where the reaction has reestablished the old power it has thereby re-established the old relations of production, that is, semi-feudality. The new revisionism denies the developing revolutionary situation at the international level. In other words, it denies the revolution as the main trend, it denies the new great wave of the world revolution, it denies the strategic offensive of the world revolution, it denies the main contradiction, it denies the democratic revolution, it denies the land problem in the Third World countries and therefore denies the world proletarian revolution. They are counterrevolutionary renegades.

Against the conctions of the right opportunist line who use, like all revisionists and counterrevolutionaries, the circumstances of death to present the head of the right opportunist line Miriam as the “successor,” we reiterate our warning from our last statement that says: “With this background, if the enemy intends to consummate the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo and will go so far as to present some mammoth “last will” through the rat Miriam – we have to remember Lenin’s infamous “testament”, which he never dictated because he could not express himself. The ICM is well prepared to give an accurate response to these atrocities. We want to remind those who are preparing and assisting this sinister criminal plan, that, when the time comes, the price they will have to pay will be proportional to their abominable action and no one will be able to prevent the river from overflowing.”

We reaffirm ourselves that: The prevailing social order, the imperialist world system, in it, Yankee imperialism, the common enemy of the peoples of the whole world, is outdated and rotten to the marrow, it is sustained by the bloody bayonets of mercenary armies who will be powerless before us. Anyone who takes a look at the world today will see that we are facing a situation where the world proletarian revolution is the only way out, the only way for humanity and that the development of objective and subjective conditions in the world are favorable for revolution. Therefore, we reaffirm the need for the prompt realization of the Unified Maoist International Conference and the future birth of the New International Organization of the Proletariat.

Our promise:

We take up the heroic example of the Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, of dedicating his life to the people’s war, the democratic revolution, the socialist revolution and communism, in conjunction with the lives of all the heroes of the people’s war of the Peru and the world proletarian revolution, “we take those lives, that example, that blood and we keep them close to our hearts, which ignites our own mind and strengthens our will more and more, so that path opened with effort never seen here and that it will be astonishment [SIC] of the centuries, be the path that we continue until fulfilling that task in which they committed themselves. The best tribute that we can pay them and we are paying them today is to persist on that path, on that course and we will not stop, comrades as a Party, as a class, as masses, we will stand with the international proletariat, together with the Communist Parties and the immense masses of the people of the world, and we will not stop until communism. May this be the serious commitment that we assume today, once again, in this Congress in homage to the heroes of the people.” For the general reorganization of the Party in and for the people’s war in a fight to the death against the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line.

Honor and Glory to Chairman Gonzalo!

Long live the 29th Anniversary of the Speech of our Leadership on September 24, 1992, Which Shines Victorious and Defiantly Before the World as a Weapon of Combat for Communists, Combatants and the Masses!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought!

Long live the Communist Party of Peru!

Long live the People’s War!

Down with the Opportunist Line of the Revisionist and Capitulationist Right!

Peru People’s Movement