Wednesday 27 October 2021


 At first it was "stay at home and the virus will die out ", and then it was mandatory masking and fucking "social distancing", and then restrictions , then no restrictions , then vaccinations and herd immunity , and then mandated vaccines . Now with over 84% of b.c.'s population fully vaccinated and over 89% partially vaxxed , they're still spreading panic . Why ? With so many people jabbed, why the fucking panic ? They say that no vaccine is 100% effective, but what the fuck is going on here ? And now a third one ???? Holy fuck, it's not going to end . When adrian dicks says that this shot will see us through to the end of this, he's either stupid or lying . This will become an annual thing , just watch. And everyone will jump on the bandwagon because the fear and lack of independent thought is rampant. And those who do oppose the shot are moronic assholes blockading hospitals and calling themselves "freedom fighters".
Ever feel like you don't fit in anywhere ?
Read this shit .  