Sunday 20 February 2022


 Let's try and look at this whole trucker protest in ottawa objectively, shall we ?
Smarmy little fuck trudeau would have us believe that the white power hordes had occupied the nation's capital , and wanted to bring the country to it's knees .  I have zero doubt that there were many extremely conservatively minded people involved in this , including some racists, but it most definitely was NOT a white power thing. If you managed to see footage from outside of the ridiculous kkkanadian media, you would have seen a different story.

An English newspaper sent two reporters to the protest for several days, looking for that kind of sensationalism , and found none. It is also important to note that this particular paper do not agree with what the truckers were protesting for , but they found no evidence of nazi control of it.

I saw footage on Russian tv that actually showed a dreadlocked Black man putting a canadian flag on top of a truck. I sort of doubt that he was part of any aryan type of movement either. 
If you believe we have a "free press" in this country, you are blindly mistaken. They are involved in keeping and promoting the dominant narrative during this entire "pandemic" , and if you disagree, you will be labelled as a conspiracy theorist and/or a lunatic racist.

Not like our progressive prime minister :

Yes, that was him in 2001 . No, not as a wacky university student, but as a teacher at a private school . He's obviously a genius.
Good day to you.