Monday 20 February 2023


 For years the fucking cowardly capitalist press in peru and around the world have been braying about the so-called "death" of the revolutionary organization "Sendero Luminoso" , or The Shining Path in english.

They also falsely claim that the "remnants" of the group are now "narco-terrorists".
So which is it , are they dead or narcos ? And why does it happen that whenever there is political unrest in peru due to corruption in government and the people rise up, the Shining Path are blamed, despite their claims of them being "dead"? Which is it ? I've read reports of hammer and sickle flags being found where the group operates, so why the fuck would a narco gang give a fuck about that ? There are too many lies and unanswered questions , and all of the statements come from the assholes in power .

Maybe the 7 dead cops Shining Path took out recently and the military who come under attack have some answers ? Fuck imperialism.

Please read the article here .

Archive - Military in the VRAEM region, where the Maoist guerrilla group Sendero Luminoso is present. - EL COMERCIO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO