Monday 15 May 2023


 The show at The Fernwood Communtiy Centre on Saturday night was fucking amazing. Us old bastards had a great time due to the nostalgia of the place, and the young kids had fun hearing loud live music in a safe environment. It was great for everyone.

The Gnar Gnars started the proceedings, and tore shit up despite being the openers and it still being daylight outside. Neurospazm were next and they get better and better each time I see them. I'm excited to hear more recorded output from them in the future. We played next and had a great time. I LOVE being on the floor instead of a stage . Sure the sound was bad due to the place being so cavernous, but that was part of the charm and nostalgia for that matter.

The Ripcordz rocked the place. Young and old appreciated their loud old school melodic political punk rock. They are also super nice and committed people.

If you missed it, I am sad for you. Hopefully something like this will happen one day soon.

Thanks to Esther for another awesome show, and to Trez's son for doing ALL of my merch work for me !!!! He's a great kid.
And thanks to everyone who came out to this thing. Much Love to you all !