Monday 2 October 2023


 Another "Truth & Reconciliation Day " has come and gone , with liberal types crying their pointless tears and everyone wanting to "really listen" to the survivors of genocide. What does it all mean, ultimately ? 
What do all the land acknowledgements mean ? When someone "gratefully acknowledges " that the land they live and work on was stolen from somebody else, what are they saying ? It doesn't really matter, because things are going to stay this way. Are the powers in control of this system going to give back land on which multimillion dollar highrises and office buildings are built on ? Fuck no. It's going to be business as usual, and no one will get in the way of their profits. Is this a way of opening up dialogue or really a way of making people feel better about themselves, and really shutting down any real talk ? 

I remember years ago going to see activist "Splitting The Sky"  speak at the Little Fernwood about his years in prison and fighting back against the racist power structure. He was a powerful voice. The shit he had to deal with in fighting back against the RCMP was the real land acknowledgement that this system has to offer the dispossessed. I guess my actual point is that this is all smoke and mirrors to keep the current power structure and capitalist system intact, and it's fucking working. Now we can all go on with our lives while feeling better about ourselves.
Good night.