Monday 14 May 2012


The enduring myth of canada as some sort of "gentle, helpful" country,  has been destroyed everywhere but in canada itself. People here want to have blinders on, where the  general idea is that "we're not as bad as the americans,eh". If that is the standard that is to be used, it's a sad state of affairs indeed.
   The most recent hype on fucking parliament hill is about the cost in dollars of the death mission in Libya. Money is the big topic, and not whether or not anyone has the fucking right to go into another sovereign country and kill it's head of state, never mind how many civilians were killed. There are also so many politicians filled with moral indignation over how much some fucking fighter jet cost. Meanwhile, everytime funding is asked for programs for poor and/or disabled people, the fucking pockets are empty. The important thing is that natural resources are secured for "our" mining companies, by "our" fucking troops. (See the douchebags at the top). An israeli government spokesman recently stated that canada is israel's best friend in the world. That alone should tell you that canada is on the road to hell. Canada is an imperialist country, just like the u.s.a., only on not so grand a scale. But they'll get there.