Thursday, 4 July 2013


The mentally incompetent self-styled muslim convert "terrorists" are just another example of how this province has failed people who need help. These people don't know the first thing about Islam, as judged by the brother of one of them, when he described how his "terrorist" brother had attempted to pray. Smashing his head into the ground, arms flailing, speaking in tongues, it sounds more like some sort of evangelical christian thing than anything else. Also, not one person at their local mosque had ever seen or heard of them before. It's just a case of sick people latching on to something they see repeated in the media over and over again. These people are ill. If the idiot cops are trying to find some kind of link between these folks and an international jihadist organization, they will fail. I guess they're trying to look like a professional intelligence unit, and not the keystone cops they actually are.
  Now, the mental defective known as "our"premier, christy dumbass clarke, is grandstanding like she just defeated the "enemy" at her very own version of 9/11. "The terrorists will not win", and other such superficial bullshit has come spewing out of her mouth like some bargain basement george fucking w. bush. Well shithead, the terrorists did win when your party originally came to power, and thousands of working poor have been terrorized since, by the normal working of your system and government. And she has the fucking nerve to stand in front of the house of corruption, saying that the "terrorists" tried to blow up "the very symbol of our values and democracy". Nauseating crap. I guess in many ways, the giant pig house full of assholes feeding at the public trough is symbolic of our fucked up lie of a democracy, especially for bottom feeders like clarke. No doubt she is happy that she has a distraction from the fact that she tried to give her asshole comrades a hefty raise, at the very time that she's talking about debt, and the need to tighten our belts and get the economy back on track. Not to mention that she couldn't even keep her seat in her own riding, in the hollow shell of an election that she used to legitimize herself in.
 It all makes for some pretty fucked up entertainment. Fuck the "terrorists", and fuck the government.