Sunday 14 January 2018


A couple of days ago an 11 year old girl in scarborough ontario was attacked by an adult male who tried to cut off her hijab with scissors as she was walking to school with her little brother. After the second attempt, she screamed and the fucking piece of lowlife shit ran away. Of course this brought forth the usual patriotic diarrhea  about this isn't " canadian values ", including from the victim's own tearful mother who said that "this isn't canada ", meaning that this isn't what goes on here. The p.m. also repeated this horseshit.  Well, I've got news for you sunshine. This is kkkanada. Ask the survivors of residential schools what they think of "canadian values.  " What about the people of Haiti, what do you think they feel about kkkanadian troops abducting their president ?  Or the white power soldiers sent to Somalia in the '90s ? The complete destruction of Libya , led by a kkkanadian general. russell williams, the one time kkkanadian military hero, who raped and killed, and likes to wear little girl's underwear under his uniform . lewis fuckface mackenzie , revered as a kkkandian hero also, who drank with the perpetrators of genocide, and after his mission was completed,  went on a well paid speaking tour defending their genocide , and continues to do so. Mosques are firebombed, synagogues are spray painted with swastikas and racist graffiti , and people from other countries have been attacked on the street ( which is where I started this rant ) . The point here is not to say that " canada sucks " other such nonsense, but it's just as ignorant to call this " the best country in the world " , and claim that there is such a thing as inherent " canadian values ". There is not. Many countries claim to have some inborn values specific to their land, but it's just not true. There are good people, and there are many many assholes. Just read the comments after any news article, and you'll see. Some days you'd think that EVERYONE'S an asshole , but this isn't the case. All I'm saying is that questioning and thinking are good things. Fucking do it.