Monday 18 October 2021


 No matter what the reaction tries to say about the Revolution in Peru , the truth is that Chairman Gonzalo never asked for clemency from the courts of fascism , and never independently asked for the guerrillas to surrender . 
He was defiant to the very end , and nothing the cowards who wish to give up the People's War or the bloodsoaked capitalists can say will change that .
Let them bray and whine . They will lose.

 By Jakob Stein

The reactionary Peruvian press outlet Willax TV reported that graffiti signed by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP, Partido Comunista del Perú) was seen on Sunday with the slogan, “Eternal Honor and Glory to Chairman Gonzalo!” on the highway that connects the Ayacucho and Cuzco regions of Peru.

The reactionary press reported that witnesses say it was painted at dawn and that the two men who allegedly carried out the action drove up on a motorcycle and were gone within just a few minutes, leaving only paint and surgical gloves. The reactionary press also stated that police investigators painted over the graffiti.

The graffiti action comes around a month after the death of Chairman Gonzalo, the leader of the PCP and Peruvian Revolution, who was killed on September 11 by the reactionary Peruvian State under the orders of US imperialism. Gonzalo, also known as Abimael Guzman Reynoso, had been held for 29 years in solitary confinement at the El Callao Naval Base under conditions of psychological and physical torture, ultimately being assassinated through intentional medical neglect. Gonzalo had developed skin cancer which the state allowed to metastasize, despite it being easily treatable at an early stage.

The location of the graffiti is significant as the region of Ayacucho is the historical stronghold for the PCP and its People’s War, which fights to conquer power and overthrow the old Peruvian State. The area connecting the Ayacucho region and Cuzco also lies where the PCP has continued its reorganization of the Party, through People’s War, also known as the bases of the Vizcatan mountains.

Despite the goals of the reactionary state and capitulators led by MOVADEF (Movimiento por la Amnistía y los Derechos Fundamentales) who seek to liquidate the People’s War and claim it is defeated, the action shows that the Party continues to fight and defiantly raise Gonzalo’s name as part of the campaign to defend Chairman Gonzalo and the People’s War in Peru.