Monday 19 August 2024


 I know not a ton of people read this ranting, but I have been absent due to me and my son taking a vacation to the good ol' u.s.a. 

Sure we found the stereotypes funny, but they would probably be a lot less funny if we had to live next door to the large man wearing a gun shirt with " Come And Take It" emblazoned on it with the amerikkkan flag. The rural areas seem to be firmly trump country , and some of the urban areas too. What difference will it make to the Palestinians ? Not one tiny speck of dust. All the u.s. politicians seem to be on the same side when it comes to exterminating the people of Gaza.

Am I a hypocrite for going there on holiday ? Maybe, but who cares ? Everybody's fucked in their own way, and we had a wonderful time. And yes, we'll go again.
Good day.