Tuesday 2 February 2016


These are two people deeply involved in the Revolutionary movement that I have tremendous respect for. Their commitment, sacrifice, and dedication to the cause of the oppressed is incredibly inspirational. It's too bad this tour will not make it up this way.

Announcing the Campus Tour of Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor
Winter-Spring 2016

What It Will Take to Get Free

An Invitation to... MEET THE REVOLUTION
Updated January 30, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us

YOU… are someone who agonizes over the cruelties and injustices of the world we live in. You see what is done to people – in the inner city, around the world, right here on this campus – and something inside you cries out NO! You see a world of 60 million refugees, you see the latest video of police atrocity, you see it all and you badly, badly want all this to change. Maybe you have been part of the significant and often powerful struggles of the past few years; maybe you have drawn inspiration from these and wonder where you fit in. Maybe you are planning a life of helping people on the bottom of society, cast out by this system. But above all, you are questioning – WHY?
WE… are revolutionaries, people who have been fighting this system for decades on the front lines of the struggles against mass incarceration and police brutality, the oppression and degradation of women, the wars carried out by our government, the wanton environmental destruction and the heartless attacks on immigrants. We want to talk with you about the real source of the problems we face, and the real way out of this. What we say will challenge you. We’re going to go against a lot of what you think is true… it will not be comfortable. But if you are serious about really changing this world, you have a responsibility to check us out… to BE challenged.
We want to get into a lot of things – but most of all we want to tell you about the work and leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), who has developed a scientific way to analyze and understand society and to transform it, the new synthesis of communism; and who leads a party built on that basis. Because of BA and the work he has done over several decades, summing up the positive and negative experiences of the communist revolution so far, and drawing from a broad range of human experience, there is a new synthesis of communism that has been brought forward – there really is a viable vision and strategy for a radically new, and much better, society and world, and there is the crucial leadership that is needed to carry forward the struggle towards that goal.
BA has developed this theory… he has a deep connection to the people on the bottom… and he has provided leadership for critical struggles today. And we are here to get into this with you… and to recruit you into the revolution he is leading... to involve you in fighting the power with the perspective of making an actual revolution and getting towards the day when none of these horrors are necessary any longer.
There actually is an answer to the questions keeping you up at night and keeping you in turmoil. We want to invite you into this, wrangle with you about it, hear your thinking and, yes, challenge you to really get down on and get with what it’s gonna take to bring into being a world where humanity can flourish.

Who are Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor?

Carl Dix
Carl Dix is a courageous freedom fighter from the 1960s who went on to become a revolutionary fighter and a communist. Dix spent two years in military prison for refusing to fight in the unjust Vietnam War. He emerged unrepentant and went on to become a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), USA, dedicating his life to the emancipation of all humanity. Today, Carl is a follower of and advocate for Bob Avakian, his leadership and his visionary new synthesis of communism. Carl Dix and Cornel West co-founded the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN), and Rise Up October that brought thousands into the streets in New York City demanding a stop to police terror.
Sunsara Taylor is an ardent follower of Bob Avakian, a fighter for his leadership and the new synthesis of communism he has brought forward, and a revolutionary communist. She writes for Revolutionnewspaper (www.revcom.us). As part of preparing for revolution, she has led resistance to this system’s imperialist wars of aggression, against police terror and mass incarceration, against religious fundamentalism, and against all forms of the enslavement and degradation of women. Taylor is the key initiator of End Pornography and Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women (StopPatriarchy.org), uniting people from diverse political perspectives to stand up against the war on women, including the Abortion Rights Freedom Rides across the U.S.